Page 17 of Spellbound Souls

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It's a crystal, about the size of my fist. But it's not like any crystal I've ever seen. It seems to pulse with an inner light, cycling through colors I can't even name. As I step closer, I feel a strange pull, like it's calling to me.

I reach out, my fingers hovering inches from the crystal's surface. The pull intensifies, and suddenly, the chamber around me dissolves.

I'm standing on the same volcanic island, but it's different. The air's clearer, the ground less jagged. Figures move around me - tall, elegant beings with pointed ears and eyes that shine like starlight. Dark elves, but not like any I've seen before. They're... different in a way I can't explain.


One of them steps forward, his hands weaving intricate patterns in the air. The ground trembles, and I watch in awe as the volcano before us splits open, revealing a cavern within.

The scene shifts. I'm inside the newly formed chamber, watching as the dark elves work in perfect harmony. They're crafting something, pouring magic into the very walls. The symbols I saw earlier begin to take shape under their skilled hands.

Another shift. The chamber's complete now, and in the center stands the crystal I just saw. But it's different - dormant, lifeless. The dark elves gather around it, the magic nearly suffocating from the thirteen elves gathered together.

One elf steps forward, his face etched with determination. He places his hand on the crystal, and I gasp as energy surges through him. His body arches, mouth open in a silent scream. The other elves continue their chant, their voices growing more urgent.

Suddenly, the air splits open. I'm staring at... something. It's like a tear in reality itself, showing glimpses of another world. No, worlds. Countless realms flash by in rapid succession.

The elf at the crystal sets it down, his magic clearly dampened. But he's smiling, triumphant. "It is done," he rasps. "The portal is open."

The vision fades, and I'm back in the present, my hand still outstretched towards the crystal. My heart's pounding, and I can feel sweat beading on my forehead.

"What the fuck was that?" I whisper, trying to process everything I've just seen.

"Naia!" Kairos's voice echoes through the tunnel, a mix of concern and irritation. "Where are you?"

I snap out of my daze, still reeling from the vision. "In here!" I call back, my voice shaky. "You need to see this."

Heavy footsteps approach, and Kairos ducks into the chamber, his silver eyes scanning the room before locking onto me. "What did you-" He stops mid-sentence, his gaze drawn to the pulsing crystal. "By the realms," he breathes.

"I found a hidden passage," I explain quickly, words tumbling out. "And then this chamber, and the crystal, and when I got close to it-" I pause, taking a deep breath. "Kairos, I saw things. The past, I think. Dark elves, but different. They werecreating this place, making the crystal. And then... they opened something. A portal, they called it."

Kairos's eyes widen, and he steps closer, studying me intently. "You saw all that? Just by being near the crystal?"

I nod, still trying to process it myself. "It was like I was there, watching it happen. They used the crystal to tear open... reality, I guess? I saw glimpses of other worlds."

A slow smile spreads across Kairos's face, a mix of excitement and understanding. "Little one," he says, his voice low and intense, "do you realize what this means? You're a seer."

"A what?"

"A seer. Someone with the ability to perceive things beyond normal sight. Past, present, future - it's all open to you." He reaches out, gently cupping my face in his hands. "This is why your magic felt so important. You can help me find the portal."

I blink, overwhelmed by this revelation. "But I don't know how to control it. It just... happened."

Kairos nods, his expression thoughtful. "We'll work on that. For now, tell me everything you saw. Every detail."



Istand before the shimmering barrier, its intricate magical weave pulsing with ancient power. Naia's at my side, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and uncertainty. The stone she found thrums with energy in her palm, responding to the magic around us.

"Little one, focus on that stone. Let its energy flow through you."

Naia nods, closing her eyes. I watch as her brow furrows in concentration, sweat beading on her forehead. The runes etched into my skin begin to glow, resonating with the barrier's magic.

I place my hands on the invisible wall, feeling the complex layers of spellwork. It's unlike anything I've encountered before – a masterpiece of magical enchantment.

"Fuck," I mutter. "This is gonna be a bitch to unravel."

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