Page 15 of Spellbound Souls

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"Holy shit," she breathes. "What is that?"

A smirk tugs at my lips. "That, little one, is what I've been following. The pull of ancient magic, leading us to something... extraordinary."

Naia's green eyes are wide with wonder. "It's... it's like a heartbeat. But not just one. Thousands, all pulsing together."

I nod, impressed by her intuition. "Exactly. Now, try to pinpoint where it's coming from. Let it guide you."

She closes her eyes again, her face a mask of concentration. Slowly, she turns, her arm extending to point towards the horizon. "There," she says with certainty. "It's coming from there."

I follow her gaze, seeing a dark shape looming in the distance. An island, shrouded in mist and smoke.

"Kalyndria," she says, and I know she's naming the island I stare at.

"Well done," I murmur, unable to keep the pride from my voice. "You're a natural."

Naia beams at the praise, then quickly schools her features into a more neutral expression. But I've seen it – that flash of joy, of connection. She's starting to trust me, to embrace her newfound abilities.

"So, what now?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest in a defensive posture.

I grin, my eyes fixed on the mysterious island ahead. "Now, little one, we cross these waters. Our destiny awaits on those shores."

I stand at the water's edge, feeling the raw power of the sea crash against the shore. The volcanic island of Kalyndria looms in the distance, shrouded in mist and smoke. I close my eyes, drawing upon the well of magic within me.

"Stand back, little one," I warn Naia. She takes a few steps away, her eyes wide with anticipation.

I raise my arms, my runes glowing bright blue as I channel my power. The water before us begins to churn and bubble. Slowly, a path emerges – a bridge of shimmering, translucent energy spanning the distance to the island.

"Holy shit," Naia breathes, echoing her earlier sentiment.

I can't help but smirk. "Impressed?"

She rolls her eyes, but I catch the hint of a smile on her lips. "It's alright, I guess."

"Come," I say, holding out my hand. "It's perfectly safe, but the magic can be... disorienting for those not used to it."

Naia hesitates for a moment before slipping her small hand into mine. Her touch sends a jolt through me, and I have to focus to maintain the spell.

We step onto the bridge together. It's solid beneath our feet, but I feel Naia tense as she looks down at the churning waves below.

"Don't look down," I advise, squeezing her hand. "Keep your eyes on me or the island ahead."

She nods, her grip tightening as we make our way across. The bridge hums with energy, responding to each step we take. I keep a portion of my concentration on maintaining the spell, while the rest of my focus is on Naia.

Halfway across, a strong gust of wind buffets us. Naia stumbles, a small cry escaping her lips. I react instantly, pulling her against me and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I've got you," I murmur into her hair. She's trembling slightly, but I feel her nod against my chest.

We continue on, moving as one. The island grows larger, its ominous presence looming before us. The air grows thicker with ash and smoke, and I create a small barrier around us to filter out the worst of it.

Finally, our feet touch solid ground. The moment we're safe on the shore, I release the spell, and the bridge behind us dissolves into mist.

Naia takes a deep breath, still pressed against me. "That was... intense," she says, her voice slightly shaky.

I look down at her, a mix of pride and something else – something warmer – blooming in my chest. "You did well. Not many could have made that crossing with such grace."

She pulls away, but not before I catch the flush on her cheeks. "Yeah, well, I didn't have much choice, did I?"

I chuckle, turning to face the island's interior. "No, I suppose you didn't. But our journey's not over yet. The real challenge awaits us there."

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