Page 14 of Spellbound Souls

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That's when I hear it - voices. My blood runs cold as I recognize the harsh, clipped tones of dark elf slavers.

"Shit," I whisper, panic rising in my throat. "We need to hide."

Kairos nods, pulling me behind a thick cluster of bushes. We crouch low, barely daring to breathe as the voices grow louder.

"...worth the trip," one slaver says. "The market's always hungry for fresh meat."

My stomach churns. I know exactly what - who - they're talking about.

Kairos' hand finds mine, squeezing gently. The touch grounds me, keeping the memories at bay. I focus on the warmth of his skin, the steady rhythm of his breathing.

The slavers are close now, close enough that I can make out individual words in their native tongue. My time in the market taught me enough to understand the gist - they're discussing their latest "acquisitions."

One of them pauses near our hiding spot. My heart pounds so hard I'm sure they'll hear it. Kairos tenses beside me, magic crackling at his fingertips.

The slaver takes another step. A twig snaps under his boot.

Something inside me... shifts. It's like a dam breaking, power surging through my veins. Before I can think, I thrust my hand out, willing the energy to do something.

A blinding flash erupts from my palm. The slaver stumbles back, crying out in shock and pain. His companions rush to his aid, shouting in confusion.

Kairos doesn't hesitate. He grabs my arm, and the world blurs around us as he teleports us away. We materialize deeper in the forest, my legs giving out as soon as we land.

"What... what was that?" I gasp, staring at my trembling hands.

Kairos kneels beside me, his expression a mix of concern and excitement. "That, little one, was raw magical potential. And it seems to be growing."

"What do you mean?"

He helps me to my feet, steadying me as the world spins. "We're moving toward the center of the magic I feel. And I'm starting to think that your powers are connected to wherever we are headed."

His words shake me to the core. I open my mouth to argue, but I don't even know what to say.

What is waiting for me at the end of this journey?



Ican feel it, the magnetic tug of ancient magic pulling at my very essence. It grows stronger with each step we take towards the coast, an invisible force guiding us to our destination. The air crackles with energy, sending tingles across my skin and making my runes pulse with an excited blue glow.

"Little one," I call to Naia, who's a few paces behind me. "Come here. I want you to experience this."

She approaches, eyeing me warily. Her wild curls have escaped her braid, framing her face in a halo of dark silk. Even with the dirt and grime of our journey, she's breathtaking.

"What is it?" she asks, her voice a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

I reach out and take her hand, ignoring her initial flinch. "Close your eyes," I instruct. "Focus on your breathing. In and out. Slow and steady."

She complies, her eyelids fluttering shut. I watch her chest rise and fall as she follows my directions.

"Now, reach out with your mind. Feel the energy around you. It's like... a river of power, flowing through the air, the earth, everything."

Naia's brow furrows in concentration. "I... I'm not sure I?—"

"Shh," I cut her off gently. "Don't think. Just feel."

I place my other hand on the small of her back, guiding her forward a few steps. The magical current intensifies, and I see her eyes snap open in surprise.

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