Page 13 of Spellbound Souls

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It terrified me. Still does.

I've never given in to anyone so fast. Never let my guard down like that. Years on the streets of Ter, then in the Dark Market – they taught me better. Trust no one. Rely on no one but yourself.

But Kairos... He broke through those walls like they were nothing.

I shift slightly, feeling the warmth of his skin against mine, the rise and fall of his chest. My body aches in places I'd forgotten could ache, a reminder of our frenzied coupling. Heat rises to my cheeks as fragments of memory flash through my mind – his touch, his taste, the way he made me feel...

Wanted. Desired. Safe.

It's that last one that scares me most.

I want to hate him. To push him away and run. But I can't deny the way my body relaxes into his embrace, how right it feels to be here. And that terrifies me more than any threat the Dark Market ever posed.

What am I supposed to do with these feelings? This... connection? I don't even know who I am anymore. What I am, if Kairos is right about the magic he sensed in me.

I squeeze my eyes shut tighter, willing the world away. But Kairos is still here, solid and real, his presence impossible to ignore.

And deep down, a part of me doesn't want to.

Kairos stirs behind me. His silver eyes immediately land on me, and his hand starts to make small circles on my skin. "Sleep well, little one?" He smirks, and I fight the urge to throw something at him. I told him to quit calling me that.

"Like a rock," I grumble, stretching. Every muscle protests, reminding me of our night together. "A very sore rock."

Kairos chuckles, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. "We should get moving. There's much to discuss."

We break camp quickly, and I'm relieved when Kairos doesn't try to carry me again. As we walk, he explains more about the magic he sensed in me.

"It's raw, untamed," he says. "But with practice, you could harness it."

I snort. "Right. Because I'm secretly some powerful sorceress."

"Stranger things have happened." Kairos pauses, his expression thoughtful. "Try this. Close your eyes and focus on the energy around you."

I roll my eyes but comply. At first, there's nothing. Then, slowly, I become aware of a faint hum. It reminds me of the market on busy days, a constant buzz of activity just beneath the surface.

"I feel... something," I admit reluctantly.

Kairos nods. "Good. Now, try to grab hold of that energy. Imagine shaping it into a ball in your hand."

I concentrate, picturing the energy coalescing. To my shock, I feel a tingle in my palm. I open my eyes to find a small, flickering orb of light hovering above my hand.

"Holy shit," I breathe.

"Impressive," Kairos says, and I can hear the pride in his voice. "You're a natural."

The orb vanishes as my concentration breaks. "So what does this have to do with your magical pull?"

"Everything," Kairos explains. "The energy you just tapped into? It's the same force guiding us. Your connection to it might be why I was drawn to you in the market."

I raise an eyebrow. "And here I thought it was my charming personality."

Kairos laughs, a rich sound that warms me from the inside out. "That too, little one. That too."

As we continue our journey, Kairos teaches me more exercises. It's exhilarating and terrifying all at once. With each small success, I feel a piece of myself clicking into place – a part I never knew was missing.

As we walk, our banter continues, lighter now. The attraction between us simmers, a constant undercurrent. But there's something else too – a growing understanding, a partnership forming.

We're making good progress through the forest when Kairos suddenly tenses, his hand shooting out to stop me. I open my mouth to protest, but he presses a finger to his lips, silver eyes scanning the trees.

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