Page 57 of Single Orc Daddy

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"That's not how it's supposed to go," he mutters, brushing off his clothes.

Zola, ever the daddy's girl, tries to comfort him. "It's okay, Daddy. You just need practice!"

Penelope, on the other hand, decides to show him how it's done. "Watch me!" she calls out. She takes a running start, throws her hands down, and... face-plants right into the grass.

Now it's Rendal's turn to laugh, a deep, rumbling sound that shakes his whole body. He helps Penelope up, checking to make sure she's okay.

"Maybe we should stick to less acrobatic activities," he suggests, still chuckling.

But Zola's not ready to give up. "I want to try!" she declares. She takes a deep breath, scrunches up her face in concentration, and... simply runs in a circle, arms flailing wildly.

"Ta-da!" she exclaims, coming to a stop and looking quite proud of herself.

Rendal and Penelope exchange confused glances before bursting into laughter again. Zola looks at them, puzzled. "What? Isn't that how you do it?"

I can't contain my laughter anymore and step out into the yard. "Oh, sweetie," I say, wiping tears from my eyes, "that was... something else entirely."

Rendal looks up and catches my eye, flashing me that smile that never fails to make my heart skip a beat. He whispers something to the girls, and suddenly they're all running towards me, arms outstretched.

"Group hug!" Penelope shouts, and before I know it, I'm enveloped in a tangle of arms and laughter.

I watch in awe as Rendal scoops up Zola, his strong arms lifting her high into the air. Her delighted squeals fill the backyard, and I can't help but smile at the pure joy on her face. P

Penelope, not wanting to be left out, tugs at Rendal's arm insistently. My heart swells as I see how effortlessly he includes her in the fun, making sure both girls feel equally cherished.

Rendal's face is alight with happiness, his blue eyes twinkling as he alternates between lifting Zola and spinning Penelope around. The sight of him with our daughters – yes, our daughters – brings tears to my eyes. I blink rapidly, trying to hold them back, but a few escape and trickle down my cheeks.

I'm overwhelmed by the love I see before me. Rendal's affection isn't just for me; it extends to both Penelope and Zola in equal measure. The way he looks at them, the gentleness in his touch, and the patience in his voice – it all speaks volumes about the depth of his love for our family.

As I watch them play, I realize how far we've come. The struggles we faced, the doubts we overcame – they all seem insignificant now. Rendal has proven time and time again that his commitment to us is unwavering. He's not just my partner; he's become a father figure to Penelope and continues to be an amazing dad to Zola.

The security and love I see in the girls' eyes as they look up at Rendal fills me with a sense of peace I've never known before. We've created something beautiful here, a family bound not just by blood, but by choice and love.

Rendal sets Zola and Penelope down and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close. I lean into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against mine.

"You're amazing with them," I whisper, my voice filled with gratitude. I can't help but marvel at how naturally he interacts with both girls, treating them with equal love and attention.

Rendal smiles, brushing a kiss against my temple. "They're both amazing kids," he murmurs. "And you, Chloe, you're incredible." His words make my heart swell, and I look up at him, our eyes meeting in a moment of unspoken understanding. In that gaze, I see our future together, bright and full of promise.

With a gentle tug, Rendal leads me off the porch and onto the grass. We sit down, the girls nestling between us like they belong there. They have toys scattered between them and I watch as Penelope wraps leaves around one of her stuffed animals' legs.

"What are you doing, Penny?" I ask leaning closer.

Penelope's eyes sparkle with unbridled enthusiasm as she launches into her grand plans for the future. "I want to help all the animals, Mommy!" she exclaims, her little hands fluttering through the air like excited butterflies.

She paints a vivid picture of the veterinary clinic she dreams of opening someday, complete with a rainbow-colored waitingroom and a special area just for puppies. I can't help but smile at her boundless imagination and compassionate heart.

Not to be outdone, Zola jumps in with her own animated chatter about her beloved cartoon characters. Her words tumble out in a rush, weaving tales of daring adventures and magical quests. She describes each character with such detail that I can almost see them springing to life right before my eyes.

As I listen to both girls, my heart swells with an overwhelming love. I glance over at Rendal, catching his eye, and I know he feels the same way. These precious girls, so different yet so alike in their enthusiasm for life, have completely stolen our hearts. I lean in closer, hanging on their every word, cherishing this moment of pure childhood wonder.

Sitting here, surrounded by the people I love most in the world, I feel a sense of completeness wash over me. It's as if all the pieces of my life are finally falling into place. This moment, this family – it's everything I've ever dreamed of and more.

As the sun climbs higher in the sky, I lean my head on Rendal's shoulder, feeling the steady rhythm of his breathing. The warmth of his body against mine fills me with a sense of peace and belonging I've never experienced before. At this moment, surrounded by the laughter of our girls and the gentle rustling of leaves, I know without a doubt that I want to spend my life with him.

"Rendal," I whisper, my voice soft but filled with conviction, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He turns to me, his blue eyes filled with love and certainty. The intensity of his gaze takes my breath away. "Chloe," he says, his deep voice resonating through me, "I'm all in. Forever. You, me, and our girls – this is everything I've ever wanted."

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