Page 56 of Single Orc Daddy

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"Ooh, can we bring cookies?" Penelope pipes up, her mouth full of pancake.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, sweetie," Chloe gently reminds her, wiping a bit of syrup from her chin.

As I watch Chloe interact with both girls, my heart swells with affection. She treats Zola with the same care and love she shows Penelope, and it means more to me than I can express.

It's moments like these that remind me how lucky I am to have found her. The way she gently wipes syrup from Penelope's chin, then turns to help Zola cut her pancakes into smaller pieces, fills me with a warmth I never thought I'd experience.

Being an orc, I've faced my share of prejudice, but Chloe's unconditional acceptance of both me and my daughter is a gift I cherish every day. I can't help but smile, my tusks peeking out, as I take in the scene of our blended family breakfast.

I take a bite of my pancakes, savoring the fluffy texture and sweet taste. "These are amazing, Chloe," I say, giving her a warm smile. "You've outdone yourself."

She catches my eye and returns the smile, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "I'm glad you like them. It's an old family recipe."

As we continue eating, I find myself marveling at how natural this all feels. The four of us, sitting around the table, sharing a meal and making plans for the day. It's something I've longed for but never quite believed I could have.

The girls' laughter fills the air as they share some private joke, and I feel a deep sense of belonging wash over me. This is what family should feel like – warm, comforting, and full of joy.

I glance at Chloe again, and she meets my gaze. Her eyes are soft and full of affection, mirroring the emotions I feel bubbling up inside me. In that moment, as we sit surrounded by thecheerful chaos of breakfast with two excited little girls, I feel a certainty about our future together that I've never experienced before.

After breakfast, I watch as Chloe starts gathering the dishes, her movements graceful and efficient. But I can't bear to let her clean up alone, not after the incredible meal she's just prepared for us. I stand up, crossing the kitchen in a few quick strides.

"Hey," I say softly, catching her arm. "Let me help with that." My fingers brush against her skin, sending a familiar tingle through my body.

Chloe turns, a smile playing on her lips. "It's okay, I've got it-"

But I don't let her finish. I can't resist her any longer. In one swift motion, I pull her into my arms, my large hand gently cupping her face as I lean down to kiss her.

It's a deep, searing kiss, full of all the love and promise I feel for our future together. I pour everything into it - my gratitude for her presence in my life, my joy at waking up beside her, my hope for all the mornings to come. The taste of her lips, still sweet from breakfast, intoxicates me.

I feel her body melt against mine, her hands gripping my shirt as if to steady herself. The world around us fades away, and for a moment, it's just us - Chloe and me, lost in our own little bubble of happiness.

When we finally break apart, both a little breathless, I rest my forehead against hers. "This is our new beginning, Chloe," I murmur, my voice husky with emotion. "You, me, and the girls. We're a family now."

Chloe looks up at me, her eyes shining with unshed tears of happiness. She nods, unable to speak for a moment. I can see the same emotions I'm feeling reflected in her gaze - love, hope, and a touch of wonder at how far we've come.

As I hold her close, breathing in her scent and feeling the warmth of her body against mine, I'm filled with anoverwhelming sense of rightness. This is where I belong. This is home.



Istand at the kitchen sink, gazing out the window as I rinse the last of the dishes. The morning sun casts a golden glow across the backyard, where Rendal is playing with Penelope and Zola.

I feel a surge of warmth and contentment watching them together, realizing how naturally our blended family has come together. His laughter mingles with the girls' giggles, creating a symphony of happiness that fills my heart.

Rendal's muscular frame moves with ease as he chases the girls around the yard. His green skin glistens in the sunlight, and I can't help but admire how handsome he looks. The way he interacts with Penelope, treating her as if she were his own, makes my heart swell with love and gratitude.

I watch as Zola trips and falls, scraping her knee. Before I can even react, Rendal is there, scooping her up in his strong arms and comforting her. He examines her knee with such tenderness, and I'm struck, not for the first time, by how gentle this imposing orc can be. Penelope hovers nearby, concern etched on her little face, and I'm touched by how close the girls have become.

As I dry my hands on a dishtowel, I reflect on how far we've come. The struggles with Valeria, the doubts, the fears – they all seem like distant memories now. Rendal has proven himself time and time again, showing his commitment to our family with every action.

I move to the back door where I can see and hear them playing. I lean against the doorframe, watching Rendal attempt to teach the girls how to do cartwheels, and I can't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Okay, girls, watch me," Rendal says, puffing out his chest. He stretches his arms out, looking more like a tree than an orc about to do gymnastics.

With a grunt, he launches into what I assume is supposed to be a cartwheel. Instead, his massive frame tumbles forward, and he ends up doing an awkward somersault. He lands on his back, legs flailing in the air like an upturned turtle.

The girls burst into laughter, and I have to stifle my own giggles. Rendal sits up, grass sticking out of his hair, a bewildered expression on his face.

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