Page 44 of Single Orc Daddy

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Valeria takes a step back, her bravado faltering for a moment. "You wouldn't dare take Zola away from me."

"I don't want to take her away," I say, narrowing my eyes. "I want us to co-parent effectively, without all this drama. But if you can't do that, then I'll do whatever it takes to protect Zola."

Then, Valeria jabs her finger into my chest. "If you leave me for Chloe, I'll make sure you never see Zola again, you asshole."

I cock a brow. "You know you can't do that. I'm her father and I have every right to be in her life."

"Hah!" Valeria shoves me out the front door and I let her. "Watch me, you bastard."

When she slams the door in my face, I hum softly, already reaching for my phone. "We'll see about that."

The very next day, I'm walking into Mr. Blackstone's office with an air of resolve around me. Valeria's words are fresh on my mind, making this whole ordeal easier.

"Good morning, Rendal," Mr. Blackstone greets me, gesturing to the chair across from his desk. "Are you ready to proceed?"

I nod, taking a seat. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Mr. Blackstone opens a thick file folder, spreading out various documents. "I've reviewed all the evidence we've gathered. Valeria's erratic behavior, the documented instances of her using Zola as a pawn in your conflicts, and your consistent involvement in Zola's life all work strongly in our favor."

I lean forward, scanning the papers. "What exactly are we looking at here?"

"We're filing for primary custody," Mr. Blackstone explains, his voice steady and reassuring. "This means you'd have Zola for the majority of the time, with Valeria having visitation rights. Given the evidence we have, I believe we have a strong chance of success."

He walks me through each document, explaining the legal jargon and what each form means. As I listen, I nod along. This is a big step, but I know it's the right one.

"Now, Rendal," Mr. Blackstone says, his tone serious, "I need to make sure you understand what this entails. This won't be an easy process. Valeria is likely to fight back hard."

I nod, my jaw set. "I'm prepared for that. I'll do whatever it takes to protect Zola."

Mr. Blackstone gives me a small smile. "That's what I like to hear. Now, let's go over the details of the custody agreement we're proposing."

For the next hour, we pore over every aspect of the agreement. We discuss visitation schedules, holiday arrangements, and decision-making processes for Zola's education and healthcare. With each point we cover, I feel more confident in our case.

Finally, Mr. Blackstone leans back in his chair. "We have a strong case, Rendal," he assures me. "We'll file for primary custody and ensure you have legal protection. And trust me, we'll fire back on anything Valeria throws at us. I'm famous for a reason."

I take a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. This is for Zola. This is to give her the stable, loving environment she deserves.

"Where do I sign?" I ask, my voice steady.

Mr. Blackstone slides the documents across the desk. I pick up the pen, its weight feeling significant in my hand. As I sign my name on each dotted line, I know I'm doing the right thing. And Valeria can kick rocks if she thinks otherwise.

A few days later, I arrange to meet Valeria with our lawyers present. The neutral location—a conference room in a downtown office building—feels sterile and cold, much like the relationship between Valeria and me now.

"Valeria, this isn't about Chloe. It's about Zola and what's best for her," I state, my voice steady. I meet her gaze head-on, refusing to be intimidated by the fury I see there. "Our relationship is over, and I've taken legal steps to ensure my custody rights."

Valeria's face contorts with rage, but I can see the moment she realizes she's cornered. Her eyes dart to her lawyer, thenback to me. The fight seems to drain out of her, replaced by a cold, calculated anger.

"Fine," she hisses, her voice dripping with venom. "But don't think this is over."

I feel a small sense of victory, but I know better than to let my guard down. Valeria's never been one to give up easily, and I'm sure this is just the beginning of a long, hard battle.

My lawyer clears his throat, drawing our attention. "Now that we've established Mr. Rendal's intent, let's discuss the terms of the custody agreement."

As he starts to outline the details, I watch Valeria carefully. Her jaw is clenched, her fingers drumming an angry rhythm on the table. I know she's plotting, trying to find a way to turn this situation to her advantage.

But I'm ready for whatever she throws at me. For Zola's sake, I have to be.


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