Page 45 of Single Orc Daddy

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Isit at my desk, the soft hum of the air conditioner filling the otherwise quiet classroom. The stack of papers in front of me seems endless, but I welcome the distraction. Penelope's quiet giggles from the corner where she's playing on her tablet bring a small smile to my face, a brief respite from the heaviness in my heart.

My phone buzzes, and I know without looking that it's another message from Rendal. I've been avoiding his texts for days now, each one a painful reminder of our last conversation. The memory of his pleading eyes and the finality of my decision still haunts me.

I pick up my red pen, focusing on the simple math problems before me. But my mind wanders, replaying our time together. The laughter, the shared moments with our daughters, the feeling of finally finding someone who understood me. And then, the complications. Valeria's constant presence, the strain it put on all of us, especially Zola.

Zola. My heart aches thinking about her. She's such a sweet girl, caught in the middle of adult problems she shouldn't haveto deal with. I wonder how she's coping with all of this. Is she confused? Hurt? Does she miss Penelope?

My God, what have we done? Our issues are tearing apart an innocent relationship between two friends.

I glance at my phone again, Rendal's unread message taunting me. Part of me wants to read it, to hear what he has to say. But I know it would only make things harder. I made the right decision, didn't I? Stepping back, giving Rendal space to sort things out with Valeria, protecting Zola from more upheaval?

But if it was the right decision, why does it hurt so much?

I shake my head, trying to clear these thoughts. I need to focus on what's important right now: Penelope, my job, creating stability. Getting involved with Rendal again would only complicate things further. For all of us.

Still, as I turn back to my grading, I can't help but feel a sense of loss. The what-ifs and maybes linger in the back of my mind, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been.

I miss him. That's becoming more and more apparent to me. And every time I have to ignore his messages on my phone, the void in my heart becomes even bigger.

A few days later, I sit at my usual spot, surrounded by a sea of papers waiting to be graded. The classroom is quiet except for the soft scratching of Penelope's pencil as she works on her homework. I glance over at her, my heart swelling with pride as I watch her determination. Her arm is still healing, but she refuses to let it slow her down.

My gaze drifts to my phone, sitting innocently on the corner of my desk. I've been avoiding it for days, but now, in this moment of quiet reflection, I feel my resolve weakening. With a trembling hand, I reach for it, unlocking the screen and opening Rendal's messages.

The first few texts are what I expected—apologies, pleas for us to talk. He says we can eat sushi together or grab ice cream like old times, which is like a pang to the heart. But as I scroll, my breath catches in my throat. Rendal's words paint a picture of determination and change that I hadn't anticipated.

"I've met with my lawyer," one message reads. "We're filing for primary custody of Zola. I won't let Valeria use her as a pawn anymore."

Another text details the legal steps he's taking, the evidence he's gathering. Each message shows a man fighting not just for his daughter, but for a future he believes in.

Tears blur my vision as I read his final message: "I'm doing this for Zola, for myself, and for us, Chloe. I want to build a life with you and Penelope, free from Valeria's manipulation. I hope you can forgive me for not acting sooner."

"He's really doing it," I whisper, my voice barely audible. "He's… He's serious about us."

I look up at Penelope, still focused on her homework, and for the first time in days, I allow myself to imagine a future where we're all together—Rendal, Zola, Penelope, and me. A family, complicated and imperfect, but bound by love and commitment.

My finger hovers over the reply button. Maybe it's time to break my silence, to let Rendal know that his efforts haven't gone unnoticed. That there might still be hope for us after all.


Penelope snaps me out of my daze. I sniffle, wiping away the beginnings of tears that were threatening to fall.

"When am I going to see Zola again?" she asks in a soft voice. "And Mr. Rendal? I miss them."

"…Soon, honey," I reply, offering a smile. "Very soon."


"Mhm. Are you finished with your homework?"

"Almost! Gabriella's parents are picking me up today, remember? We're going to get some lunch and then we're going to the park!"

Due to my distance with Rendal, Penelope has been spending some time with her other friends. But still, I know she misses Zola. These hang-outs with other kids just aren't the same for her.

"Make sure to finish up your homework. Then, you can go have all the fun that you want."

"Yes, Mommy."

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