Page 43 of Single Orc Daddy

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Isit at my desk, staring at the legal documents in front of me. The weight of what I'm about to do feels like a boulder on my chest, but I know it's necessary. For Zola. For my own sanity. And maybe, just maybe, for a chance at a future with Chloe.

My hand is firm as I reach for my phone. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what's to come. The number of my lawyer is right there on the screen, but for a moment, I hesitate. Am I really ready to do this?

Zola's face flashes in my mind, her innocent smile and the way her eyes light up when she sees me. I think of all the times Valeria has used her as a pawn, manipulating our daughter for her own selfish reasons. My resolve hardens.

I hit the call button.

"Hello, Mr. Blackstone's office," a cheerful voice answers.

"This is Rendal. I need to speak with Mr. Blackstone urgently," I say, my voice steadier than I feel.

There's a brief pause, then Mr. Blackstone's familiar baritone comes through. "Rendal, what can I do for you?"

I swallow hard, then force the words out. "I need to move forward with the custody case."

There's a moment of silence on the other end, and I can almost picture Mr. Blackstone leaning back in his chair, considering my words.

"Are you sure about this, Rendal? Once we start, there's no going back," he warns.

"I'm sure," I reply, my voice firm. "It's time to do what's best for Zola."

I hear papers rustling on the other end. "Alright, then. We have a strong case, Rendal. Your consistent involvement in Zola's life, your stable job, and the documented instances of Valeria's erratic behavior all work in our favor."

His words bolster my confidence. "What's the next step?"

"Let's meet tomorrow to discuss strategy," Mr. Blackstone suggests. "We'll go over the paperwork and prepare for the initial hearing."

As I hang up the phone, I let out a small sigh as I relax into my desk chair. This won't be easy, but it's necessary. I'll be damned if I let Valeria fuck up the one thing that's brought me so much happiness.

After work, I head straight to Valeria's house, knowing that this conversation will only piss her off more. But I don't give a damn anymore.

She opens the door and sends me a cold glare. "What do you want?"

"We need to talk about Zola and the future."

She huffs out a breath, shaking her head. "If this is about Chloe, you can forget it. I won't let you ruin Zola's life."

Valeria's words sting, but I refuse to let them derail me. This isn't about Chloe—it's about Zola and doing what's best for our daughter.

"Well, you're wrong. This isn't about Chloe," I say firmly, meeting Valeria's glare. "This is about Zola and what's best for her."

Valeria scoffs, her posture rigid with defiance. "And I suppose you think you know what's best?"

I clench my jaw, fighting to keep my temper in check. "I think we both want what's best for Zola. But using her as a pawn in our battles isn't it."

"I'm not using her?—"

"Aren't you?" I cut her off, my voice low but intense. "The constant manipulation, the guilt trips, the way you try to turn her against me and anyone else in my life? It stops now, Valeria."

Her eyes widen, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before it hardens again. "You can't dictate how I raise my daughter."

"Our daughter," I correct her. "And I'm not here to dictate anything. I'm here to tell you that I'm filing for primary custody."

The words hang in the air between us, heavy with implications. Valeria's face pales, then flushes with anger.

"You can't do that!" she hisses, fists clenching.

"I can, and I am," I reply, standing my ground. "I've already spoken with my lawyer. We have a strong case, Valeria. Your behavior, your instability—it's all documented. Did you really think you'd be able to get away with the shit you've pulled?"

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