Page 39 of Single Orc Daddy

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I nod, feeling a mix of worry and gratitude. "Thank you for coming," I whisper, my voice shaky.

Rendal carefully lifts Penelope into his arms, cradling her against his broad chest. "Of course," he says, his eyes meeting mine with a warmth that makes my heart skip. "Let's go."

As we walk to his car, I can't help but feel a sense of security wash over me. Despite our recent difficulties, Rendal's presenceis comforting, steadying. He gently places Penelope in the backseat, making sure she's comfortable before closing the door.

In the car, I turn to watch him as he drives, his eyes focused on the road ahead. His jaw is set with determination, and I'm struck by how much I've come to rely on him. Even with the tension between us, he didn't hesitate to come when we needed him.

It's all a blur, getting Penelope check in. Rendal handles most of it, and by the time my mind calms enough to process what's going on, we're in uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room. Rendal's presence has been a comforting anchor in the storm of worry and fear that's been swirling inside me since Penelope's fall.

I watch as he speaks with the nurse at the reception desk, his deep voice calm and reassuring as he provides Penelope's information. He handles the paperwork with ease, his large green hands surprisingly deft as he fills out form after form. I'm struck by how naturally he's stepped into this role, taking charge when I felt too overwhelmed to function.

When he finishes, Rendal returns to where we are sitting. I watch as he leans towards Penelope, who's curled up in the chair on his other side, her injured arm cradled against her chest.

"How are you feeling, brave girl?" Rendal asks, his deep voice soft and gentle.

Penelope sniffles, her eyes still red from crying. "It still hurts," she mumbles.

Rendal nods sympathetically. "I know, sweetheart. But the doctors are going to make it all better soon. You're being so strong."

His words, so tender and caring, make my heart swell. I'm struck by how naturally he's stepped into this role, not just for Zola, but for Penelope too. He's been our rock through thisentire ordeal, from the moment he arrived at the park to now, sitting patiently in this sterile waiting room.

As I observe him comforting Penelope, my earlier doubts and fears begin to fade. The Rendal I see now isn't the conflicted man torn between his past and present. He's fully here, present in this moment, putting our needs first without hesitation.

The panic that had gripped me since Penelope's fall slowly dissipates, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude. I realize that despite our recent challenges, Rendal is someone I can truly depend on. His actions today have spoken volumes about his commitment to us.

Taking a deep breath, I feel a renewed sense of hope blooming in my chest. Maybe we can make this work after all. The path ahead might still be uncertain, but Rendal's unwavering support today has shown me that we have a solid foundation to build upon.

Without thinking, I reach out and gently squeeze Rendal's hand. His large, green fingers immediately entwine with mine, and he turns to look at me. In his eyes, I see understanding, care, and something deeper that makes my heart skip a beat.



Isit in the hospital room, my eyes darting between Penelope's small form on the bed and Chloe's tired face. The stark white of Penelope's cast stands out against the muted colors of the hospital room. My heart aches for the little girl, but I'm relieved we got her here quickly.

Chloe catches my eye, and we share a look that speaks volumes. I see gratitude in her gaze, along with exhaustion and lingering worry. I want to reach out and hold her hand, to tell her everything will be okay, but I'm not sure if I have that right anymore.

Just as I start to relax, feeling a moment of peace on this chaotic day, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out, and my stomach drops when I see Valeria's name on the screen. Fuck. I know this won't be an easy conversation.

I glance at Chloe again, torn between answering the call and staying present in this moment. She notices my hesitation and nods slightly, giving me silent permission to step out.

"I'll be right back," I murmur, standing up. I squeeze Penelope's good hand gently before heading to the hallway.

Taking a deep breath, I answer the call. "Hey, Valeria."

"Where the hell are you?" Her voice is sharp, cutting through the hospital's background noise. "You were supposed to pick up Zola an hour ago."

Shit. In the rush to help Chloe and Penelope, I completely forgot about picking up Zola. Guilt washes over me as I realize I've let my daughter down.

"I'm sorry," I say, running a hand through my hair. "There was an emergency. Penelope got hurt, and I had to take her to the hospital."

"Penelope?" Valeria's tone drips with disdain. "You mean Chloe's kid? So you're choosing her family over ours now?"

Her words sting, but I push down the anger rising in my chest. "It's not like that, Valeria. A child was hurt. I couldn't just ignore it."

"And what about our child, Rendal? What about Zola?"

I lean against the wall, feeling the weight of my conflicting responsibilities crushing me. "I'll come get her now. I'm sorry, I should have called."

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