Page 38 of Single Orc Daddy

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Penelope hiccups and points to her left arm, which is already starting to swell. I bite my lip, knowing this isn't just a minor bump or scrape.

"Okay, baby, we're going to get you some help. Can you wiggle your fingers for me?"

She tries, wincing in pain. The movement is limited, and I feel a wave of panic wash over me. I need to get her to a hospital, but how? My car is in the shop, and Rendal isn't answering his phone. I feel so alone at this moment, wishing desperately for his support.

"It hurts, Mommy," Penelope whimpers, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks.

"I know, sweetheart. We're going to make it better, I promise." I pull out my phone, my hands shaking as I dial 911. As I wait for the operator to answer, I hold Penelope close with my free arm, trying to comfort her while fighting back my own tears.

"We need an ambulance…" I mutter, knowing I can't do this.

"No!" Penelope shakes her head as tears streak her cheeks. "No. I don't want to go in one."

I'm not thinking clearly or I wouldn't have said that. Penelope saw a neighbor get loaded into one once and she's been freaked out ever since. It would only make her panic more, probably lead her to get more hurt.

"Okay," I say as she starts to melt down. "Okay. No ambulance."

I fumble with my phone, my hands trembling as I try to think clearly. Who can I call? A wave of panic and isolation washes over me. I can't do this alone. I'm in such a panic that I don't think I can drive anyway, but I don't want to call an ambulance, either. I don't want to freak Penelope out more than she already is.

In my desperation, I decide to call Rendal, despite our recent troubles. With shaking hands, I dial his number, praying he picks up.

The phone rings once, twice, three times. Each unanswered ring feels like an eternity as I glance at Penelope, still whimpering in pain.

"Please, Rendal. Pick up," I whisper, my voice cracking.

Finally, on the fifth ring, I hear his voice. "Chloe?"

Relief floods through me, momentarily overwhelming my anxiety. "Rendal, thank God. I need your help. Penelope fell at the playground and hurt her arm. I think it might be broken. My car's in the shop, and I don't know what to do."

There's a pause on the other end, and for a heart-stopping moment, I fear he might not come. But then I hear rustling and his voice comes back, urgent and concerned.

"I'm on my way. Where are you exactly?"

"Greenfield Central Park, near the big oak tree by the playground," I reply, my voice shaky but grateful.

"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes. Keep her calm and don't move her arm."

As I hang up, I feel a lingering anxiety. Despite our recent issues, Rendal is coming. He's still here for us when we need him.

I turn back to Penelope, forcing a reassuring smile. "Help's coming, sweetie. He'll be here soon to help us."

Penelope nods, her sobs quieting to sniffles. I hold her close, careful not to jostle her injured arm, and we wait together for Rendal to arrive.

I watch anxiously as Rendal's car pulls up to the park, tires crunching on the gravel. Relief washes over me like a warm wave as he jumps out and rushes towards us, his muscular green form moving with surprising agility.

His face is etched with concern, those piercing blue eyes scanning the scene quickly before focusing on Penelope. My heart races, a mix of worry for my daughter and an unexpected flutter at Rendal's presence.

He kneels beside Penelope, and I'm struck by how his large, calloused hands are surprisingly gentle as he examines her arm. The contrast between his imposing orc physique and his tender touch is mesmerizing, and I find myself holding my breath as I watch him work.

"Hey there, brave girl," he says softly to Penelope, his calm voice already helping to soothe her sniffles. "Can you tell me where it hurts?"

Penelope points to her swollen arm, her lower lip trembling. Rendal nods, his expression serious but reassuring.

"Okay, sweetheart. We're going to get you to the hospital to make sure everything's alright. Is that okay?"

Penelope nods hesitantly, and Rendal looks at me.

"We need to get her checked out, Chloe. It might be a fracture."

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