Page 30 of Single Orc Daddy

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Istand next to Rendal, watching him spread out the checkered picnic blanket on the soft grass. The sun warms my skin, and a gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of blooming flowers. Zola and Penelope are already off in their own world, their laughter echoing across the park as they chase each other.

"They're having a blast," I say, smiling at Rendal. He looks up at me, his blue eyes twinkling.

"Yeah, they sure are. It's great to see them getting along so well."

I'm about to sit down on the blanket when movement catches my eye. My heart drops to my stomach as I spot a familiar figure striding towards us. Valeria. Her presence always brings a cloud of tension, and I can feel it settling over our perfect afternoon.

Oh great, she's here again,I think to myself, trying to keep my expression neutral. I glance at Rendal, wondering if he's noticed her yet. He's still arranging things on the blanket, oblivious to the approaching storm.

Valeria waves enthusiastically, her smile wide but not quite reaching her eyes. "Hey there!" she calls out, her voice carrying across the park. "Mind if I join you guys?"

I freeze, unsure how to respond. This was supposed to be our time together, a chance for us to bond as a family unit. Valeria's presence threatens to upset the delicate balance we've been working so hard to maintain.

But I smile as Rendal looks at me, not wanting to start any drama. "Go ahead," I answer, but I think Rendal can see the tension lining my face.

He looks between me and Valeria, but before he can say anything, Zola rushes up to her mother, eager to see her. And that is all it takes for me to force down my own feelings.

After Zola and Penelope take off again, I watch with growing unease as Valeria settles herself on the picnic blanket, strategically placing herself between Rendal and me. The afternoon sun suddenly feels too hot on my skin, and I resist the urge to fidget uncomfortably.

As we start to unpack the food, Valeria leans in close to Rendal, her voice pitched low and intimate. "She's having such a good time. She's always loved the park." Rendal nods without looking up at her. "Not as much as the beach, though. Remember the first time we took her there? She was so tiny then, barely able to toddle around in the sand."

Rendal nods, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, she loved chasing the seagulls."

I clear my throat, trying to join the conversation. "That sounds adorable. Penelope loves the beach too?—"

But Valeria barrels on as if I hadn't spoken. "Oh, and what about her first birthday party? We had it in a park just like this. You were so nervous about blowing up all those balloons, Rendal."

"I was afraid I'd pop them all," Rendal quips, caught up in the memory.

I feel a twinge in my chest, a mix of hurt and frustration. It's like I'm invisible, my presence barely acknowledged. I try again, "We should plan a beach day soon. The girls would love?—"

"Zola, honey," Valeria calls out, effectively cutting me off mid-sentence. "Come here and tell Daddy about the new trick you learned at gymnastics."

As Zola bounds over, excited to show off, I feel myself being pushed further to the periphery. Valeria dominates the conversation, her voice a constant stream of shared memories and inside jokes with Rendal. Every time I attempt to contribute, she smoothly redirects the topic or speaks over me.

The picnic food turns to ash in my mouth as I watch Valeria lean in close to Rendal, touching his arm as she laughs at something he's said. Her presence is overwhelming, filling up all the space between us, both physically and emotionally.

I catch Rendal's eye, silently pleading for him to include me, to acknowledge the awkwardness of the situation. But he seems caught up in Valeria's web of nostalgia, responding to her prompts about their shared past with Zola. I know he's only thinking of his daughter, but I'm struggling to maintain my calm.

Needing a break, I walk over to the kids, who perk up as soon as they see me. "Can we go on the swings?" Penelope asks.

"And you push us really high?" Zola adds.

I nod, taking Penelope's hand in one and Zola's in the other. I lead them both to the swings, grateful for a moment away from Valeria's domineering presence. As I push the girls, her giggles fill the air, momentarily lightening my mood. But I can't shake the feeling of Valeria's eyes boring into my back.

"Higher, Mommy!" Penelope squeals, and I oblige, pushing her a little harder.

"Zola seems so happy having both her parents here," Valeria's voice carries across the playground, saccharine sweet but laced with venom. "It's just like old times, isn't it, Rendal?"

I flinch at her words, feeling a sharp sting in my chest. I try to focus on Penelope's laughter, on the simple joy of pushing my daughter on the swing, but Valeria's presence taints even this small moment.

After a while, the girls run off to play in the sandbox. I follow to where Rendal is sitting on a nearby bench, hoping for a chance to reconnect. But before I can even sit down, Valeria wedges herself between us, her smile triumphant.

I clench my fists in my lap, frustration building inside me like a pressure cooker. I'm about to break the biggest rule on the playground and push her off this bench…or worse.

"You know, Rendal," Valeria continues, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "Zola's been asking about spending more time with the three of us together. She misses having both her parents around."

I feel my nails digging into my palms as I struggle to maintain my composure. The implications behind Valeria's words are clear - she's staking her claim, reminding me that I'm the outsider here. I glance at Rendal, silently pleading for him to say something, to include me in some way.

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