Page 29 of Single Orc Daddy

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I run a hand through my hair, frustration building inside me. It takes every ounce of self-control not to lash out at her accusations. "A complete family doesn't mean two parents who can't stand each other," I growl, my voice low and firm. "Zola deserves better than that. She deserves a parent who is happyand can provide a stable, loving environment. That's exactly what she has now."

Before I can say anything, laughter erupts from just down the hall. I turn to watch as Zola and Penelope burst from the classroom, their voices echoing off the walls. I take a few steps toward them, putting distance between Valeria and I.

Their infectious joy momentarily lifts my spirits, pushing aside the tension from my encounter with Valeria. They rush toward me, and my eyes drag up to the doorway of the classroom, where Chloe is following them from.

Her eyes meet mine, her warm smile brightening as she sees me. Before I can say anything, she walks over and plants a soft kiss on my cheek. The girls let out a playful "Oooh!" and I can't help but chuckle, despite the knot in my stomach.

"How was your day?" Chloe asks cheerfully, her eyes twinkling.

I open my mouth to respond, but the words catch in my throat. Chloe hasn't noticed Valeria yet, and I'm torn between wanting to savor this moment and needing to address the situation. My mind races, trying to figure out how to handle this without causing a scene in front of the kids.

A cold voice interrupts the moment as Valeria snaps. "Excuse me." Her tone is icy. Chloe steps back, startled, and looks to where Valeria stands with a piercing gaze.

My stomach drops. Fuck. This is exactly what I was afraid of.

"Mommy!" Zola shouts as she runs to hug Valeria. I watch helplessly as my daughter wraps her arms around her mother's legs, oblivious to the tension in the air.

Chloe, now realizing the situation, tries to maintain her composure. She glances at me briefly, her eyes searching for context. I can see the confusion and hurt in her expression, and it kills me that I can't explain everything right now.

"Hello," Chloe greets Valeria, her voice steady despite the awkwardness. "I'm Chloe, Penelope's mother-" She gestures to her daughter. "And Zola's teacher."

Valeria barely acknowledges her, her eyes still fixed on me. "I'm Zola's mother," she snaps, her voice dripping with disdain.

I clench my fists at my sides, anger bubbling up inside me. How dare she show up here like this, disrupting our lives and causing a scene in front of the kids? I take a deep breath, trying to keep my cool for Zola's sake.

Valeria's gaze shifts to Chloe, her eyes cold. "Nice to meet you," she says, her tone anything but friendly. She turns back to me, her voice cold. "We'll discuss this later, Rendal."

I want to snap at her that we are done discussing this, but I don't want to stir up any drama so I just nod curtly.

My stomach churns as she bends down to Zola. "Come on, sweetie. It's time to go."

As they start to leave, Valeria pauses, looking directly at Chloe. "I hope you know what you're getting into," she says, her voice dripping with insinuation.

I clench my fists, ready to intervene, but Chloe surprises me with her composure.

"I just want to support Rendal and Zola," she says calmly, her expression remaining polite.

Valeria's eyes narrow slightly before she turns and walks away with Zola. I watch them go, a mix of anger and frustration boiling inside me.

I watch Valeria leave with Zola, my heart heavy with the tension she's caused. Turning to Chloe, I see the concern etched on her face. My stomach twists with guilt. This isn't how I wanted her to meet my ex-wife.

I step closer to Chloe, taking her hands in mine. They're warm and soft, in contrast to the cold dread I feel inside. "I'm so sorry about that," I say, my voice low and sincere. "Valeria is...complicated. She has a knack for showing up at the worst times and stirring up trouble."

Chloe's eyes search mine, and I can see she's trying to process everything that just happened. "It's okay, Rendal," she says, her voice steady despite the uncertainty in her eyes. "I understand these situations can be difficult."

I shake my head, frustrated with myself for not handling it better. "No, it's not okay. You shouldn't have to deal with this drama. I promise you, I'm committed to our relationship. Valeria and I are over, no matter what she might try to insinuate."

Chloe nods, squeezing my hands gently. "I believe you, Rendal. But you need to be clear with her about boundaries. For everyone’s sake."

"You're right," I agree, feeling a surge of determination. "I promise I'll talk to her and make things crystal clear. This won't happen again."

Wanting to lighten the mood, I turn to Penelope, who's been watching us with curious eyes. I scoop her up in my arms, eliciting a giggle from her. "So, Miss Penelope, how was school today? Did you learn anything exciting?"

As we leave the school, Penelope chatters away about her day, her innocent excitement a welcome distraction from the tension of the past few minutes. I catch Chloe's eye over Penelope's head, and we share a small smile. It's not going to be easy, but I know we'll get through this together.



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