Page 28 of Single Orc Daddy

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Rendal turns to me, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Of course, Chloe. You can tell me anything."

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what I'm about to share. "Penelope's father... he wasn't a good person," I start, the words feeling heavy on my tongue. "We were young and in love, or at least I thought we were. When I got pregnant, he became distant. He didn't want the responsibility of a child, and eventually, he left us. It was one of the hardest times of my life, raising Penelope on my own."

As I speak, memories of those difficult days flood back. The sleepless nights, the constant worry, the overwhelming feeling of being alone. I can feel tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, but I blink them away.

"It's why I've been so cautious about... us," I continue, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm scared of being hurt again, of Penelope being hurt. She's never known what it's like to have a father figure in her life, and I worry about how she'd handle it if..."

I trail off, unable to finish the sentence. The thought of losing Rendal, of Penelope losing him, is too painful to voice aloud.

"Honey," he says, taking me by the hands. "Is that what you were scared of? Seriously?"

"Of course! It's not easy for me to trust. Not after what happened."

"I'm here for you. For the both of you. And I don't care what you want to do or say to me, I'm not leaving you easily. You'll have to hire a bulldozer to get me away from you, because I'm not budging."

I blurt out a laugh. Honestly, even in the most serious of moments, Rendal still manages to make me laugh.

"You're something else, I swear," I whisper, staring at him with genuine awe.

He brushes my hair behind my ear. "And you're the best thing that ever happened to me. Besides Zola."

"Oh, come on," I quip, shaking my head. "I don't know if I'mthatgreat."

He hums. "Yeah, you're right. You come in third place after ramen and spicy chips."


"So know your place," he says, kissing me on the temple as we continue our walk through the park. "Now, how about some ice cream?"

"I think you've read my mind."



Itake a deep breath as I walk down the familiar hallway of Greenfield Elementary. The scent of crayons and disinfectant fills the air, and the walls are plastered with colorful artwork. My heart quickens with anticipation at the thought of seeing Chloe, even if it's just for a moment.

As I round the corner to Chloe's classroom, I stop dead in my tracks. Valeria's there, leaning against the wall near the door. Fuck. What the hell is she doing here?

She spots me immediately, her eyes narrowing as she pushes off the wall and strides towards me. My stomach clenches, and I force myself to stay calm. I won't let her get under my skin. Not here. Not now.

"Valeria," I say, keeping my voice low and steady. "What are you doing here?"

She tosses her hair over her shoulder, a move I used to find attractive but now just irritates me. "I'm here to pick up our daughter, Rendal. Is that a crime?"

I clench my jaw, fighting to keep my cool. "It is when it's not your day. We have a schedule for a reason."

Valeria's lips curl into a smirk. "Oh, come on. Can't a mother surprise her child? Or is that against your precious rules too?"

I take a step closer, lowering my voice even more. "Cut the bullshit, Valeria. What's your real game here?"

She steps closer, her sickeningly sweet perfume overwhelming my senses. I fight the urge to take a step back, refusing to give her the satisfaction. "I've been thinking about Zola," she purrs, her voice dripping with false sincerity. "She needs both of her parents. And I think…" My gut twists before she even says it. "We should consider getting back together for her sake."

Her words are firm, but I can hear the manipulative edge in her tone. It's the same voice she used to use when she wanted something from me, whether it was a new car or a weekend getaway. I'm not falling for it this time. I've learned my lesson, and I'll be damned if I let her sink her claws into me again.

I sigh, already exhausted by this conversation. My jaw clenches as I try to keep my cool. "We've been through this, Valeria. Our relationship didn't work, and getting back together won't change that. Zola's doing fine with our current arrangement. She's happy, healthy, and thriving."

Valeria's eyes harden, her lips pressing into a thin line. I can see the anger simmering beneath her carefully constructed facade. "You owe it to Zola to at least try, Rendal," she snaps, her voice rising slightly. "Don't you want her to have a complete family? Or are you too selfish to think about what's best for our daughter?"

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