Page 27 of Single Orc Daddy

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I can't help but smile as I remember the way Rendal's strong hands framed me against the kitchen counter. The intensity in his eyes before he leaned in to kiss me sent shivers down my spine. And when our lips met? It was like everything else faded away, leaving just us in that perfect moment.

It's been so long since I've felt this way—hopeful, excited, and maybe even a little scared. After Jason left, I'd convinced myself that I'd never open my heart again. But Rendal... he's different. The way he interacts with Penelope, his patience and kindness, it all speaks volumes about the kind of man he is.

I think about how natural it felt, the four of us sitting around the dinner table. Zola and Penelope giggling together, Rendal's deep laugh mixing with my own. It felt like... family. The thought both thrills and terrifies me.

Can I really let myself hope for this? To build something real and lasting with Rendal? The cautious part of me wants to hold back, to protect myself and Penelope from potential heartbreak. But another part, a part that's growing stronger every day, wants to take that leap of faith.

I close my eyes, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. Whatever happens, I know one thing for sure—I haven't felt this alive in years. And that, in itself, is something to be grateful for.

The next day, I'm unable to resist staying away from him for too long. I call him, excited to hear this voice again. When he answers, his voice is warm and welcoming.

"Hey, Chloe. How are you?"

"Doing well. I was wondering if we could meet up this weekend? Maybe just the two of us?"

Rendal chuckles. "I'd love that. How about Saturday night? My best friend, Grak, has a little girl of his own. Maybe Zola and Penelope could add a little friend to their group."

"I'm sure Penny would jump at the thought of a new friend. Sounds great."

I hang up the phone, my heart racing with excitement. The sound of Rendal's voice, deep and warm, still echoes in my ears. I can't believe I actually did it—called him and asked for a date, just the two of us. No kids, no distractions. Just us.

As I sit on the edge of my bed, I feel a mix of emotions washing over me. There's anticipation, of course. The thought of spending an evening alone with Rendal makes my stomach flutter in a way I haven't felt in years. It's always been us and the kids, no chance to spend some time on our own.

There's also a hint of nervousness. It's been so long since I've been on a real date, I'm not even sure I remember how to act.

I glance at the mirror, studying my reflection. Will he like what he sees when it's just us? Without the buffer of our daughters, will we still have that easy connection?

I shake my head, trying to dispel these doubts. Rendal has shown me nothing but kindness and genuine interest. The way he looked at me in his kitchen, the passion in his kiss—those weren't the actions of someone who's unsure.

Still, I can't help but wonder what this step means for us. Are we ready to become more than just two single parents who enjoy each other's company?

I think about Penelope and how this might affect her. She's grown so fond of Rendal and Zola. What if things don't work out? But then I remember the way Rendal interacts with her, patient and caring. He's not the type to walk away easily.

As I start to plan what I'll wear for our date, I feel a sense of hope blossoming in my chest. Maybe it's time to let go of my fears and embrace this chance at happiness.

Saturday evening arrives, and I find myself at a cozy little café, my heart fluttering with anticipation. I smooth down my dress for the hundredth time, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. The soft lighting and gentle hum of conversation around me create a soothing atmosphere, but I'm still wiping down my clammy hands every chance I get.

When Rendal walks in, my breath catches in my throat. He looks handsome in a casual button-down shirt and jeans, his green skin a striking contrast against the white fabric. Our eyes meet, and his face breaks into a warm smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

He approaches, and we share a warm hug. The feel of his strong arms around me sends a shiver down my spine. "You look beautiful, Chloe," he says softly, his deep voice rumbling in his chest.

We settle into our seats, and the conversation flows easily. We talk about our week, laughing over the antics of our daughters and sharing stories from work. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafts around us, adding to the cozy atmosphere.

But as the evening progresses, I know there's something important I need to share with him. A knot forms in my stomach as I try to find the right words. I want to be honest about my fears and insecurities, to lay everything out on the table before we take this relationship any further.

I offer him a tight smile. "Do you think we could take a walk after this? I'd like to tell you something."

"Why not say it here?"

"It's… personal."

Rendal hums and nods. With ease, he waves down the waiter and asks for the bill. As he confidently hands over his credit card, he fishes out a couple twenties out of his wallet and places it on the table for the waiter to fetch when he gets back.

He's the type of orc who makes everyone's heads turn when he walks in. Who wouldn't want to be with him?

Rendal offers me his arm as we cross the street towards the local park near the cafe. As we stroll through the park, the cool night air brushes against my skin, bringing a sense of calm. The stars twinkle above us, and the soft crunch of gravel under our feet creates a soothing rhythm. I feel Rendal's warm presence beside me, and it gives me the courage I need to speak.

"Rendal, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now," I begin, my voice trembling slightly. I can feel my heart racing, but I know this is important.

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