Page 12 of Single Orc Daddy

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I roll my eyes, but I can't keep the smile off my face. "What do you mean? I'm a damn delight."



Isit at my dining room table, staring into my coffee mug as if it holds all the answers to life's questions. Lisa's here, chatting away about her latest dating disaster, but I can barely focus on her words. My mind's stuck on Rendal - his gentle smile, his kindness towards Penelope, the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs.

"Earth to Chloe!" Lisa's voice snaps me back to reality. "What's going on with you? You're quieter than a mouse in church."

I sigh, finally looking up at her. "Is it that obvious?"

"Honey, you've been stirring that coffee for five minutes straight. I'm surprised you haven't created a whirlpool."

I can't help but chuckle at her exaggeration. "Okay, okay. It's... it's Rendal."

Lisa's eyebrows shoot up. "Ooh, the hot orc dad?" Now I'm starting to regret ever mentioning him to Lisa… I want to shake my head at her. "Spill!"

"I'm starting to have feelings for Rendal, but I'm scared," I admit, resuming my absent-minded stirring. "What if-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence with 'what if he's like Jason,'" Lisa interrupts, reaching across the table to grab my hand. "You deserve to be happy, Chloe. Just because Jason walked out doesn't mean Rendal will."

I nod, grateful for her support, but the fear of history repeating itself still gnaws at me. "I know, I know. It's just... opening up again, it's terrifying."

"Of course it is," Lisa says softly. "But from what you've told me, Rendal seems like a great guy. And Penelope adores him and Zola."

"She does," I agree, a small smile tugging at my lips. "They're so cute together."

Lisa grins. "See? That's the Chloe I know. Now, tell me more about this hunky orc. Does he have a brother?"

I burst out laughing. "Lisa!"

"What? A girl's gotta ask!"

We chat for a while longer, but soon Lisa glances at her watch and jumps up.

"Shit, I'm late for my yoga class!"

"Since when do you do yoga?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Since hot yoga instructor Brad started teaching at the gym." She winks, grabbing her purse.

I roll my eyes, but I'm still grinning. "Of course. Go get 'em, tiger."

As she heads for the door, Lisa turns back. "Hey, Chloe?"


"Promise me you'll give Rendal a chance. You deserve some happiness... and some hot orc lovin'."

I throw a dish towel at her, my face burning. "Get out of here, you menace!"

Her laughter echoes down the hallway as she leaves, and I shake my head, still chuckling. Leave it to Lisa to make me laugh, even when my heart's tied up in knots.

"Hey, Penny?" She comes rushing into the room. "Want to go play outside?"

She takes off before I can stop here, and I chuckle as I step out on the porch and settle into the swing there. The gentle creaking of the chains matches the rhythm of my swaying thoughts. My little girl's laughter fills the air, a stark contrast to the memories that flood my mind.

Bringing Jason up is always hard for me, dredging up so much that I've tried to forget. The day he left us replays in my head like a cruel movie I can't turn off.

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