Page 11 of Single Orc Daddy

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I yank open the door, ready to tear into whoever's on the other side. My irritation fades when I see Grak's ugly mug grinning at me.

"Well, well, look who decided to grace us mere mortals with his presence," Grak says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I roll my eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I've had an easier time getting a hold of a saint's halo than you," Grak retorts, shouldering his way past me into the house. "Figured I'd better check if you were still alive."

"I've been busy," I grumble, even as relief washes over me at the sight of my friend. "And watch it, you'll wake Zola."

Grak holds up a six-pack of beer. "Relax, big guy. I come bearing gifts."

I eye the beer, then nod towards the back porch. "Fine, but we're taking this outside."

We settle into the patio chairs, the wood creaking under our weight. Grak cracks open two beers, handing one to me. The cool liquid slides down my throat, a welcome respite from the day's stress.

"Alright, spill," Grak says, leaning back in his chair. "What's been going on with you? You've been MIA for weeks."

I take another swig of beer, buying time. "Nothing's going on," I mutter unconvincingly.

Grak snorts. "Yeah, and I'm the tooth fairy. Come on, Rendal. I know that constipated look on your face. Something's eating at you."

I take another long swig of beer, the cool liquid doing little to calm my nerves. Grak's eyes are boring into me, and I know he won't let this go. Fuck it.

"Alright, you nosy bastard," I growl, setting my beer down with a thud. "You want the truth? I'm seeing this girl, Chloe. And I think I'm starting to fall for her. Hard."

"Chloe?" He stares at me, and I huff out a sigh.

"She teaches kindergarten at Zola's school."

Grak's eyebrows shoot up. "A hot teacher? Damn, Rendal! That's not what I thought you'd been up to."

I can't help but chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. But here's the kicker - Valeria called today. Wants to see Zola."

"Shit," Grak mutters, his grin fading. "She has some nerve."

"Tell me about it," I grunt. "I can't shake this feeling she's gonna come back and mess everything up. Just when things are getting good with Chloe."

Grak leans forward, his face serious. "Listen here, you big green idiot. You deserve happiness. Don't let your ex dictate your future."

I snort. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one dealing with her."

"No, but I've watched you mope around like a kicked puppy for years," Grak retorts. "It's time to man up and face the shit life throws up at you."

"Man up?" I raise an eyebrow. "What am I, twelve?"

Grak grins. "Sometimes I wonder. Look, Rendal, you're a catch. You're built like a brick house, you've got a good job, and you're not completely hideous."

"Gee, thanks," I deadpan.

"My point is," Grak continues, ignoring my sarcasm, "Chloe would be lucky to have you. Don't let Valeria's ghost cock-block you from happiness."

I can't help but laugh at his crude but effective pep talk. "You've got a way with words, you know that?"

"It's a gift," Grak says, puffing out his chest. "Now, are you gonna stop sitting on your ass and whining to me or are you gonna go after what you want?"

I don't point out that he showed up here bugging me. Instead, I punch him in the arm, hard enough to make him wince. "Watch it, asshole. But... yeah. Yeah, I think I am."

Grak grins, rubbing his arm. "That's more like it. Now, tell me more about this Chloe. How does she put up with someone like you?"

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