Page 88 of Out of Bounds

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Cam clears his throat, looping his arm around my waist and bringing me in close to him. The faint woodsy scent ofhis cologne hits me and I relax, warmth blooming in my chest.

“Something like that,” Cam says, his grip tightening on my hip. “It was good running into you, Nash. Call me next time y’all go to Mustang’s and maybe we’ll join you.”

Nash shoots Cam a two-finger wave and walks away, toward the games at the far side of the field.


Cam acknowledged the relationship to his buddy, putting the two of us together in the same box.

Me and Cam.


A team.

My insides turn to jelly and happiness oozes through me like sweet, gooey caramel.

“Hey!” Gracelyn jogs up. “Where have y’all been? I’ve been looking for you for-ev-er!”

“We got here a few minutes ago. It’s hotter than blazes, so we’re getting drinks. How are you?” I ask, squeezing her in a hug.

She huffs out a breath, fanning her face. “Better now that you’re here. I can’t take one more question about my love life, I swear. Between that and the ladies from the senior center jockeying to get on my calendar for perms, I’m dying.”

“Don’t worry, you’re safe now.” I pat her arm and she smiles gratefully at me.

“Thank goodness. Y’all hungry? I could go for some food.” Gracelyn stares longingly at the brightly-colored food trucks.

“Yes, let’s do it.” Cam leads the way through the crowd, his large hand pressed lightly to the small of my back, Gracelyn on my other side.

Contentment flows through me, warm and fuzzy, and I cling to the feeling. I know Cam won’t be here forever, but it’s nice being here together again right now. Like old times, except better.

“I’m getting a hot dog and a Coke. What about you?” Grace interrupts my thoughts, shoving my arm.

“A burger for me,” Cam declares, eyeing the bright red-white-and-blue truck to his left. “You want one, Trouble? Or something else?”

“Sure, I’ll take a burger.”

“Whoever gets the food first can snag a seat.” Grace tips her head at the stand of picnic tables set up beside the trucks.

“Sounds like a plan.”

Cam and I join the long line at the burger truck, his palm rubbing light circles on my back. Luke Bryan’s voice booms from the speakers near the stage, urging a country girl to shake it for him. A group of teen girls in short sundresses sway to the beat, taking the lyrics to heart. Clumps of kids run around the field, waving balloon animals and shrieking with glee, and my heart is full.

“It’s good to be home for the holiday.” I lean back against Cam’s broad chest, sighing happily.

“Yeah, it’s nice,” he murmurs, his breath feathering my hair. “Being here with you.”

Damn. Cue the heart melt.

“Aww, thanks, babe.” I tip my head back, capturing his lips in a kiss.

“Hey, Crawford. You gonna move up in line sometime soon? Or are you gonna stand around, shoving your tongue down your girl’s throat all day long?”

Cam jerks away from me and whirls around to face thedark-haired teenager scowling behind us. There’s a group of them, and I bet they’re all Thunder Creek High boys.

“Listen here, Dalton. I’ve had just about enough of you and your attitude.” Cam takes a shuddery breath, trying to get a hold of his anger.

“Same, old man.” The kid smashes his lips together in a tight line, folding his arms over his barrel chest. He’s pretty built for a high schooler, but Cam still has him by about six inches and a good thirty pounds of pure muscle. Doesn’t stop Dalton from puffing up his chest and acting like a tough guy in front of his friends, though.

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