Page 87 of Out of Bounds

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Ilove you.

The three words echo over and over in my mind and I literally pinch myself so hard I bruise.

After all these years, all the waiting and wanting, Cam said he loves me.

And of course I said it back because I’m madly in love with him. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted and I’ve never been happier. Things between us are easy and fun. There’s no bullshit, no lies or agenda.

I know him and he knows me. We’re absolutely perfect together.

“You sure you’re ready for this, Trouble?” Cam flips his baseball hat backward and squints across the bedroom at me as I slip on my sandals. “We could always hang here, swim in the lake and grill out. Catch the fireworks later tonight, just the two of us.”

“That sounds lovely. But I promised Gracelyn I’d show up for the Fourth of July bash. I can’t leave her hanging. But if you don’t want to go, I can go by myself?—”

“If you go, I’m there.” Cam steps forward, wrapping his tanned, muscled arms around my waist.

I lift on tiptoe, grazing his lips with mine. “Thanks. I do want to go. This is kind of our hard launch, you know?”

He chuckles, his deep voice vibrating his chest. “I suppose.”

“Pretty sure the entire town knows our business by now, though, after Story Time.”

“I don’t mind.” Cam’s fingers trail over my cheek and heat unfurls low in my belly as I stare up at him. The way he’s looking at me, his marine eyes sincere and intense.

This man is my everything.

After what happened with Ratface, I swore I’d never love again. But this—this thing between me and Cam—is so different. The two can’t compare.

He’s the polar opposite of Ratface, caring and kind, always looking out for me.

No, this is right and good, the way love’s supposed to be.

“Alright, let’s do it then.” Cam kisses me one last time and then we head out for Thunder Creek’s Fourth of July bash in the town square.

We park at the library and walk the few blocks to the center of town. The temperature’s already sizzling, careening toward the high-nineties, and there’s zero breeze. Heat radiates up from the sidewalk and I’m happy I chose a light sundress with spaghetti straps.

“Mercy, it’s hot,” Cam grumbles, wiping sweat from his brow as we cross Main Street.

“You practice in this heat every day.”

“I know. That’s why I like to stay in the AC when I’m not at practice.”

I elbow him. “C’mon, let’s get a nice icy lemonade to cool you down.”

“And maybe a burger. I see Nash over there.” Cam waves at his friend, grabbing me by the hand and leading us over to the food trucks lined up on the far edge of the grassy square.

“Hey, buddy, what’s up?” Nash slaps Cam on the back, bro-style, then leans in and hugs me. “Sloane, good to see you.”

“Same. Is Nathan here too?” I glance around the field for Nash’s twin.

“Yeah, he’s hanging around here somewhere. Probably trying to escape Natalie and her girl gang.”

Natalie’s their younger sister and she and her friends make it a sport to torment her older brothers. She runs the dance studio in town and despite her brothers’ best efforts, she often ropes them into helping with recitals, passing out programs and running the sound system. It’s hilarious watching these two burly men interact with all the tiny dancers in pink tutus.

“We missed you at poker night this week. But seems like you had a good excuse.” His eyes slide to me and my cheeks heat.

“I’ve been busy this week.” Cam shrugs. “Working out with Coach Carter pretty hard, polishing up my fundamentals.”

“Uh-huh. That’s what we’re calling it these days, huh?” Nash smirks and I try not to squirm. If this thing between me and Cam is going to work long-term, I’ll deal with this type of scrutiny all the time.

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