Page 49 of Out of Bounds

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Relax, Sloane. Cam needs to train, not lounge around with you all morning.

I hustle through my daily routine, grabbing a breakfast bar and an iced coffee to go before heading out.

Plumb Perfect, Gracelyn’s salon, is a few blocks past the town square. A cozy, lilac bungalow with white shutters, window boxes overflowing with wildflowers, and a cute porch with a swing, the Reynolds’s converted the house to a salon many years ago. Practically every female in town is a client, and some of the younger males as well. Gracelyn’s mom’s been in business since before I was born—she gave me my first haircut, my one and only perm, and fashioned updos for every school dance. Basically, Shelby Reynolds is a Thunder Creek superstar and the first to hear any and all gossip. Of course Gracelyn’s a natural, following in her mother’s footsteps.

“Hey, y’all!” I push through the crickety white door, the tinkle of a chime signaling my arrival.

Grace waggles her fingers over her shoulder. “Hey! I’m almost done.” Rolling the last pink plastic curler into silver hair, she secures it with a clip. “Last one, Mrs. Slater. Let’s pop you under the dryer for a few and get this all set up.”

Grace helps Mrs. Slater down from the salon chair, leading her across the honey-oak floors into the next room. The dull whir of the heater starts, vibrating the entire house.

“Hey, darling.” Ms. Shelby gives me a quick squeeze on her way over to the chair beside Grace’s. “How are you doing?” Her heavily penciled brow arches in concern. “You holding up?”

“I’m doing just fine, thanks Ms. Shelby.”

“I still can’t believe that no-good scoundrel. Absolutely gobsmacked when Gracie told me what happened.”

I shrug. “It was for the best.”

“Such a shame. I do love weddings.” Ms. Shelby’s eyes glaze over as she stares into the mirror, presumably envisioning a white, puffy wedding dress and the matching sleek chignon hairstyle she’d pair with it.

“Mom!” Grace hisses, running in and smacking her on the shoulder. “Stop. What did I tell you about bringing up the wedding again? Sloane does not want to keep rehashing it, I’m sure.”

Ms. Shelby tsks at Grace, rubbing her arm. “What? I can’t say I’m sorry?”

“No! Not again. She doesn’t want to be reminded about that asshole. Excuse my French.”

Ms. Shelby rolls her eyes at Grace, tsking at her younger daughter’s foul language.

“Sloane, sugar, I’m sure the right one will eventually come along. In the meantime, you can keep Gracie company.”

Grace sighs so hard she loses an inch of height. “Might as well say Bless Your Heart, Mama. Geez…C’mon, Sloane. I have a quick break before Mrs. Slater’s done under the heat.”

Grace grabs my arm, pulling me out of the salon and onto the porch, back into the stifling Georgia heat.

“Forget her, Sloane. Spill!” she hisses, patting the spot on the porch swing next to her.

I drop down into the swing, happy to be hidden from view of the street.

“Grace—it was magical.” A warm, tingly feeling floods through me thinking about last night. The kiss, the wayCam swept back into the room and admitted he was an idiot.

I particularly liked that last part, not gonna lie.

“Tell me everything—don’t leave one tiny detail out! But hurry—I only have—” Grace checks the timer on her cell—“eight minutes now.”

“Cam came home from the gym kind of late. I was in my room and he stopped by. He seemed upset, so I invited him in, asked what was wrong. Basically, he doesn’t have a new deal yet, so he’s super bummed out. But I told him I was sure things will work out, then next thing I know, we’re inches apart and he leaned in and kissed me! And, ohmygod, Grace—it was the best kiss ever. Like, twelve out of ten stars.”

“Worth waiting almost fifteen years for?”


“That’s amazing, hun. Then what? How come nothing else happened?” She shoots me a pointed look, the edge of her deep red matte lips tipping up.

“Well, then he broke it off and went back to his room.”

Grace waves her hand wildly through the air. “Hold up. He bailed? He didn’t get you naked and tell you he’s been a damn fool all this time?”

I snort. “Uh, no. Definitely not. He said something more along the lines of he shouldn’t disrespect my dad and bolted.”

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