Page 50 of Out of Bounds

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“Weak.” Grace shakes her head, a blonde curl falling loose from her top knot.

“I don’t know what possessed me, but I asked him if he checked his email right before he walked out.”


“Yes! He seemed confused. Then like ten minutes later, he came back. He read the World’s Most EmbarrassingEmail, Grace! But he didn’t think it was dumb. In fact, I think he was kinda inspired, honestly. Said he was an idiot and he’s scared of screwing things up between us.”

“Wow. Babe. That’s a story. And this morning?”

“Um—haven’t seen him. Pretty sure he went to the gym.”

“Huh. Not great.”

“What? Why? He’s trying to get a professional football contract, Grace. He’s gotta put in the work.”

“Still. I would’ve liked a love note or something this morning.”

Right on cue, my phone dings with an incoming text. I yank the cell from my pocket, reading.

Cam: Hey beautiful. Good AM

Heat blooms, rising from my chest all the way to my cheeks.

Cam called me beautiful.

“Okay, not fair. What’s it say?” Grace cranes her neck, trying to read the text.

“Good morning. And he called me beautiful.” I can’t help it, I’m smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.

“Nice…text him back.”

Sloane: Good AM!

My thumb hovers over the keypad, not sure what else to type.

“Come on, Sloane—you gotta do better than that.”

“Right. I know.” I frown, unsure what to say.

“Can’t write to him without the help of your good buddy Jose, huh?” Gracelyn teases. “Here—let me.”

Reaching over, she grabs the cell from my hand.

“Grace!” I try to get the phone back, but she holds it out of reach, tapping away like a madwoman.

“Do not hit send!” I warn her, my chest suddenly tight. I love Gracelyn, but she can be absolutely cray-cray sometimes.

“Relax—I’ll let you read before I send it. Okay, here you go.” She thrusts the phone at me and I stare down at the message.

Sloane: Hey big sexy, good AM! Did you get all hot and sweaty at the gym? Why don’t you wait to shower until you get home (winky face)

I groan, deleting the entire message as fast as possible. “No, definitely not.”

“Sloane—you have to take a risk! Right the heck now. You don’t know how much time you have together. Besides, you can’t be all coy and virginal. For starters, y’all are grown-ass adults. For seconds, Cam is a professional athlete. Do you know what that means?”

I cut my eyes at her, knowing I’m not going to like her answer. “What, exactly, does that mean? To you, with your deep knowledge of professional sports?”

“It means he has women throwing themselves at him all the damn time. Remember the bonfire? And that’s just here, in Thunder Creek. And sure, you have the hometown advantage. For now. But as soon as he gets a contract, he’s outta here. If you want a chance with him—a real, fighting chance to be together, like you always dreamed of—then you need to seize the day, woman! Or you’re going to miss your golden opportunity!”

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