Page 24 of Out of Bounds

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“Uh—” I glance over at Sloane, the default social planner, and she shrugs.

“Sure. Let’s do it.”

“Great. Hey—Frisco! Over here!” Nick shoots his arm up in the air and another high school buddy and ball player from our class waves before heading over with a bunch of people.

There must be at least fifteen of them and soon everyone’s jammed around us, pinning me in. The air’s hot and stifling and my chest tightens. I stand to get more oxygen into my lungs as faces I vaguely recognize stop to chat me up, ask about playing pro ball. A petite brunette requests a selfie with me and inwardly I wince. But she pushes her hip against mine and leans in close, arm outstretched to take the photo, so I grin and bear it. The bright flash blinds me for a second, and when my eyes adjust to the darkness the group’s somehow multiplied.

I’m surrounded by a flock of women, all asking for photos. I nod and smile, taking pictures with each of them. Nick’s nearby, chatting one of the ladies up, and I overhear him inviting her and her friends out on the boat tomorrow.

Where’s Sloane?I swivel around, searching for her, but she’s nowhere to be found.

“Hey, Camden.” I turn toward the sultry voice. “It’s me, Jamie.”

I do a double take as I stare at the tall redhead standing in front of me, hand on hip. She seems familiar, but I can’t quite place her.

“Tenth-grade homecoming date. Remember?”

“Oh hey, how are you?” I nod in her direction, but she comes in for a hug, pressing her large breasts against my torso. I pat her awkwardly on her back, right between her prominent shoulder blades.

“I’m great. Better now that you’re here. You back intown for good?” She pulls away slightly, batting her long fringe of lashes at me.

“No, only for the summer.”

“Aww, too bad.” Popping her lips out in a glossy pout, I wonder how much filler she’s pumped into them.

“Guess we’ll have to make the most of it.” She splays her palm wide on my chest, running her hand over my pecs. The gesture’s so intimate, so bold and brash from someone I haven’t seen in over a decade. My jaw locks tight, every muscle in my body clenching, and I desperately want to get out of here. I have no interest in rekindling a relationship with a woman I haven’t thought about since high school.

“Yeah, sure. Listen—I need to find someone. Great to see you, Jamie.” I inch away from her and a flash of disappointment crosses her face, her brows furrowing as much as they’re able.

“Let me guess. Sloane?”

“Yeah. I’m her ride.”

Jamie rolls her eyes. “Of course you are.”

I don’t bother diving into the dig, giving it more airtime than it deserves. “Catch you around.”

Spinning on my heel, I rush away from her and the rest of the gang huddled around the bonfire. The music pumps louder, and my temples throb. Sweat beads on my lower back and I long for air-conditioned peace and quiet.

Unfortunately, I can’t cut and run just yet. Not without Sloane.



Iback away from the huge crowd circling Cam and head to the edge of the lake alone. The waves lap at the sand as I stare out into the darkness.

I should have expected this. Of course everyone’s going to swarm Cam. He’s a gorgeous professional football player living every small-town boy’s dream. Like I told Gracelyn at Java Jolt, he’s a regular ole’ hometown hero. Guys want to be him and women want to be with him.

Why did I think coming out here would be a good idea?

I would much rather be sitting at home, watching a made-for-TV movie on the sofa with my dad wedged between us, than out here with all these people.


The low, gravelly voice drifts on the wind, a light tickle on my skin. I spin and face Cam.

“Hey. Thought you’d still be busy snapping selfies with your adoring fans.” I tip my head in the direction of the bonfire and he grimaces.

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