Page 25 of Out of Bounds

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“Nah. I’ve done all the PR I’m doing tonight. Why are you out here all alone? No Gracelyn?”

“I couldn’t find her. Too many people. I just needed to get away for a minute. Being back home is kind of a lot—I’m out of practice.”

“Agreed. I thought it was just me.”


“You think the swing’s still out there?” Cam squints at the massive oak tree in the distance.

I follow his gaze. “I don’t know. Want to find out?”

His deep blue eyes slide to mine and my heart thunders harder in my chest.

“I’d like that.”

Cam and I move side by side in the darkness, with just enough space between us to keep me guessing.

“Careful, Trouble,” he warns, offering me his large hand as we cross over the flat but slippery rocks lodged in a tiny stream. His skin’s rough against mine, his fingers strong.

He doesn’t let go.

I try not to freak out or dissect the meaning of it all. Frogs croak off to the left, probably hanging out in the tall grasses near the lake or sitting on the lily pads at the edge. A light breeze blows, ruffling my hair and cooling the heated skin on my neck, my shoulders.

Finally, we’re near the tree.

“Oh my gosh, Cam—it’s still here!” I can’t keep the excitement out of my voice. “After all this time…”

“Guess some things never change.” He locks eyes with me, squeezing my fingers lightly, so lightly I may be imagining it. A warmth blooms in my chest and I’m happy. Genuinely happy, here in this moment.

“Wanna swing?” Cam asks and I give him a slow smile.


We make our way over to the towering tree and Cam gives the ropes a good, hard tug, checking the stability.

“Should be good.”

I sit gingerly on the wooden swing, testing the board under my weight. I’d hate to go crashing to the ground and bust my ass right in front of Cam.

“You’re fine, Trouble. Relax.” He moves behind me, his massive hands covering mine on the ropes, the heat from his body soaking into my back. I lift my feet and he gives me a light push, the limb of the tree creaking.

I’m instantly transported back in time, the wind cooling my cheeks as I float through the air. All the anxiety and frustration of the past few months melt away as Cam pushes me, higher and higher. I suck in, the fresh air filling my lungs, and I can breathe again.

Really breathe.

And Cam’s right here with me.

Even though all this time has passed, it doesn’t feel that way. Being with Cam feels easy, simple.

So many mistakes have been made—on my end, at least—but all of that blows away on the summer breeze. I tilt my head up at the white glittering stars and marvel at the perfect night, this absolutely magical moment.

“You happy, Trouble?” Cam asks as the swing gradually slows, my feet dragging across the dirt.

“Right now? Yes.”

His chest rests against my back, a solid wall of muscle, the scent of his cologne winding around me.

“Not just now. Like, in general.”

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