Page 51 of Forever Wild

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“You’re not?”

“No. I think it’s pretty clear who I am interested in.”

She blinks, the tip of her tongue darting out to lick along the seam of her mouth.

Lowering my lips to hers, I kiss her hard and deep, trying to erase all of her doubts.

About me, about us.

She melts into my touch, her body swaying, arms winding around my neck. I move my hand from her face down her back, resting my palm on her round ass.

“I’m only into you, Trix,” I murmur against her lips and she sighs happily, relaxing against me. She’s so small, her body swallowed by mine. I want to wrap her in my arms and stay like this forever. Away from the rest of the world, all of their judgments and bullshit.

After a few minutes, she pulls away. “How do I know this isn’t all part of your game, Wild? You probably say that to all the ladies.”

I shake my head. “No, I really don’t.”

She bites at her bottom lip, thinking.

Finally, she breaks the silence. “I’ve been burned before, Colt. Badly. I want to believe you, to trust you. But it’s hard.” Her voice quivers, tears springing into her eyes.

I reach down, taking her hands in mine and lacing our fingers together. She drops her gaze to our interlocked hands and I run my thumb over her warm, smooth skin.

“I know. I get it. Danny told me about what happened with your last boyfriend. I won’t do that to you, promise.”

She blanches, the vein at the side of her temple pulsing. “Thanks. Because that really sucked. I’m a little bruised from it all, not gonna lie.”

“Understandably. That guy is a loser. He didn’t deserve you, Trix.”

She takes a shallow, shaky breaky. “Thanks.”

“I don’t deserve you, either. But I’ll do the best I can.”

Trix squeezes my hand. “Hey, don’t talk like that. Trust me—every woman in Peach Springs thinks you’re a catch and can do better than me.”

“They’re wrong. I mean, I am a catch—” I grin at her and her mouth tips up into a smile. “But you’re amazing and more than deserving of me.”

She giggles, kicking at my feet. “There’s the Colt Wild I know and love.”

“Love, huh?” I arch a brow high and Trix’s cheeks blush a bright pink.

“You know what I mean, Wild. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. One step at a time.”

I drop my lips to hers, claiming her mouth in a soft, slow kiss.

“Right. One step at a time.”



Later that night, after dinner, Colt and I snuggle up on the couch and watch a home reno show. Well, I try to watch the show. But Colt’s fingers tiptoe from my shoulder, down my arm, rubbing across my stomach. Then he’s cupping the achy place between my thighs, his thumb applying pressure to my most sensitive spot. Finally, I can’t take it anymore.

“That’s it.” I flick the television off with the remote.

“Hey—I was watching that.” Colt pretends to protest, but his eyes are locked on mine.

“Sure, right, Wild. Which house did they pick then? One, two, or three?” I tip my head, staring at him.

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