Page 48 of Forever Wild

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#1 Agent: How’s the knee coming along? A casting director reached out asking about your availability in April. I told him I’d circle up with you and see when you were planning on coming back to town

Huffing out a breath, I scrub a hand over my jaw. That’s only a few weeks from now. I have no idea if I’ll be able to stunt by then or not, but I hate to turn down work.

Colt: Knee’s doing better. What type of stunts are they looking for me to do? I’ll need to get clearance from the doc

The metal vibrates in my hand, a message dancing across the screen.

#1 Agent: Motorcycle stunts for a thriller. A few chase scenes, no crashes. You in?

Colt: Awesome. I can probably do it, let me check with doc

#1 Agent: I’ll message that you’re tentative and we’ll have an answer to them later this week or early next week. Sound good?

Colt: Yeah

Stu shoots me a thumbs-up emoji and I shove the cell back into my pocket, my mind racing, adrenaline pumping through me. I love the thrill of landing a gig. Stunting is my life and I’m damn good at it.

But right behind the rush, another emotion slithers in, a feeling I’m not at all accustomed to.

A pang shoots through my chest as I think about leaving Peach Springs.

And by Peach Springs, I mean Trix.

It’s for the best, Wild.

My head knows it. But I have to convince my dick—and even worse—my heart of the fact.

Even if it’s for the best, leaving Trix behind is going to hurt and I’m not sure I’m ready for that kind of pain.



Well, shit.I can’t believe my brother found out about me and Colt. In the worst possible way, too.

I stew over our conversation as I drive down Main Street toward the hardware store.

So embarrassing.

Oh well. Nothing can be done about it now. Danny knows.

But it’s not like he has a perfect relationship or anything. I mean, his own wife is fawning all over Colt. So who can blame me? Especially when the man’s lounging around the apartment shirtless, his rippling muscles practically begging me to touch them.

I park my car in front of the hardware store and take a deep breath, centering myself.

I know Danny means well, but it’s annoying that he thinks he knows what’s best for me. Like I can’t manage my own love life or something.

True, it’s been kind of a disaster up until now. But maybe this time things will be different. Maybe for once things will actually work out for me.

How, I’m not sure. But maybe I can convince Colt to stay in Peach Springs. It’s a long shot, I know, but crazier things have happened.

Grabbing my wallet, I breeze into the store and head straight to the paint section. I stare at the row of stains, trying to decide between deep walnut, dark walnut, special walnut, or provincial.

“Trixie Lovell, is that you?” A trilling voice shocks me out of my stain reverie. I swivel around to see Blake Matthews, a girl I went to high school with, walking down the aisle toward me. “It’s me, Blake!”

As if I could forget her.She was captain of the cheer squad, Homecoming Queen our senior year, and an all-around queen bee. Not exactly the wallflower type.

“Hi!” I shoot her a wave that I hope passes for friendly enough, even though I’d rather not engage in any sort of conversation with Blake. We were never friends, her social circle far more elevated than mine.

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