Page 33 of Forever Wild

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“No problem, it’s no big deal.”

She locks eyes with me, her expression serious. “It is to me.”

Well, shit.I feel like my insides are melting under the bright sunbeam that is Trix—and I didn’t sign up for this.

I clear my throat, scrub a hand over the back of my neck. An awkward silence stretches between us and I concentrate on eating my turkey sandwich and not thinking about getting her naked.

“Oh—I won’t be home for dinner tonight.” Trix breaks the silence, fiddling with a loose thread on her shorts.

“Me neither.”

She tips her head, her ponytail swishing on her shoulder. “Oh. Hot date?”

“If you call your brother hot.”

Trix frowns, tiny lines etched between her eyebrows. “What? Danny invited you over for dinner?”

“Yeah.” I polish off the last bite of my sandwich, wad the wrapper. “So? I eat with him and Ana all the time.”

She blows out a long breath. “That’s where I’m going. My brother’s, for dinner.”

Super.It’s gonna be damn near impossible to sit across the dinner table from Trix and not think about her luscious tits, or that juicy ass.

“Huh,” is all I can manage because I don’t see a way out of this without tipping off Danny.

“Call and cancel.” Trix shoves my cell across the table.

“What? I can’t. He called me like an hour ago. What could have possibly come up in an hour?”

She shrugs, her narrow shoulders rising, then falling. “I don’t know. I don’t care. Something, anything.”

“Why?” I arch a brow at her.

“Why? Because.”

“Because isn’t an answer, Trix. Why don’t you want me to go to your brother’s for dinner?”

She gnaws at her bottom lip and I’m like a damn Pavlovian dog, drawn straight to her full, pink pout. My dick’s already stiffening, watching her nibble at it. Wishing I could suck it between my teeth, slide my tongue into her hot mouth.

“Because, okay?” Her voice tips up, pink staining her cheeks. She leans in closer, dropping her voice. “He might figure something’s up. You know, with us.”

“Oh.” I pretend to be surprised, fizzy happiness bubbling inside me hearing her mention the possibility of an ‘us.’ “And is there something going on? You know—with us?” I lock onto her bright blue eyes and she shifts uncomfortably on the bench beneath my gaze.

“I mean—maybe? I don’t usually take my shirt off for any ol’ contractor.”

I lean over, bending down so my lips hover close to her ear. “And let him touch your pussy?”

She blushes, her neck and chest splotchy. “Yeah. Or that.”

Moving back into my own space, I stretch my legs out, my knee stiff. “Don’t worry. I wasn’t planning on telling him any of that.”

“Well, I would hope not. Because whatever’s going on has to be kept strictly between us. Got it? Danny doesn’t need to know the ins and outs of whatever this is.”

My happiness ebbs a little at her declaration, but I ignore it. “Agreed. Besides, I’m leaving soon. This thing has a shelf life, yeah? No strings attached, nothing serious.”

Trix bobs her head and up and down, agreeing. “Right. I’m not interested in a relationship. They always end in heartbreak. And I have a lot going on, with renovations and the shop…”

“Right. So whatever’s happening here is strictly physical. Two consenting adults who find each other attractive and want to have some fun to pass the time.”

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