Page 32 of Forever Wild

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“Hey, buddy. How’s it going?” Not Trix. It’s Danny.

My face heats and I’m glad we’re not on a video call.

“Hey. It’s good. What’s up?” I work to keep my voice friendly, neutral. Devoid of all I-just-saw-your-sister’s-tits vibes.

“Ana wanted me to invite you over for dinner. Pretty sure she thinks me hanging out with a Hollywood stuntman will get me fit by association. Girl math.”

I chuckle, picturing Danny driving a motorcycle ninety miles an hour through the narrow streets of Milan, dodging cars and tourists. Yeah, not happening.

“Are you laughing, dickhead? That wasn’t meant to be a joke,” Danny says, acting offended. “So you in for tonight or not? I need to tell Ana one way or the other.”

“Sure, I’ll come. What time? You need me to bring anything?”

“Six works. And no, we’re good. But if you could try and look a little less buff tonight, that’d be cool. I’m still sore from that last workout.”

“Noted. I’ll wear my most dad-bod outfit.”

Danny guffaws. “Dude, I’m sure you have nothing that fits the bill. You can raid my closet if you want. I can hook you up with a nice pair of New Balance kicks.”

“Perfect. I hear they’re great for your feet.”

“Yeah, so are orthotics, but I’m not there yet. See you later.”

“Bye.” I disconnect, slightly bummed that I won’t be eating dinner with Trix again tonight. But Danny and Ana have youngkids. We’ll probably wrap up early and then I can hang with Trix afterwards. No reason the two of us have to go to sleep by nine p.m.

“Hey.” Trix waltzes in, waving two paper bags in the air. “I brought lunch. Sandwiches from The Sweet Peach.”

“Thanks, I’m starving.”

Trix hands the bag to me, then motions at the window. “Let’s sit outside. The weather’s perfect.”

I follow behind her, salivating—and not from the sandwiches. More from her perfect peach of an ass I hope to get a piece of later tonight.

“I picked out a gorgeous tile. Navy-and-white, with a starburst pattern. It’s going to be so beautiful with the dark walnut beams.” She sinks down on the bench in front of the shop, golden rays from the sun glimmering in the waves of her hair.

How have I never noticed how beautiful Trix is?Maybe because the last time I saw her I was in high school, too busy working my way through the girls in the junior and senior class to notice Danny’s kid sister.

Maybe because I was too preoccupied with my own bullshit—coping with the death of my parents in a hit-and-run drunk driving accident.

Or maybe the timing was never right before.

Not that it is now, either. Because I need to get back to California and making movies. But a little distraction never hurt anyone.

“Colt, are you listening to me at all?”

Trix scrunches up her nose, smacking me on the thigh. I jostle her over on the bench, sitting next to her.

“Yes, I’m listening. You picked out a gorgeous tile. Stars or something. Sounds nice.”

“Starburst, not stars. And it’s in a pattern. We’ll have to be sure to install it correctly.”

“I hope you’re hiring someone for that job because I can’t be on my knees laying tile.”

“Oh, right.” Tiny frown lines furrow her brow, and I kinda wish I could help her out.

“I might know a guy.” I fish my cell from my pocket, scroll through my contacts. “Rudy Giuseppe. His family’s been in the flooring business for years. I can give him a call if you want.”

“Really? That would be great.” She smiles over at me and my entire chest feels light and airy.

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