Page 15 of Forever Wild

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“No, that’s okay. We can finish tomorrow.”

“All right. I’m going to hit the gym, then. Need to do my PT exercises if I’m ever going to get back to L.A.”

“Oh, right.” I nod, swallowing over the disappointment I shouldn’t be feeling. “You need anything from the store?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

“’kay. See you later.” I shoot him a quick wave, then scamper up the steps as quickly as I can. The last thing I want is Colt Wild thinking I care what his plans are.

Everything will be so much better once the store’s rehabbed and he’s out of the apartment for good. I need to keep my eye on the prize—and off of his rippling muscles and mesmerizing eyes.

Absolutely nothing good will come from getting involved with Colt.



The last place I want to be is the gym right now, surrounded by a bunch of sweaty, hulking dudes. Especially after busting my hump all day helping Trix pull up old, disgusting flooring. But it’s not like I could go up to the apartment and chill. Or better yet, take care of business.

Not with her there. Sashaying around practically naked, begging me to stare at her perky tits.


So instead, here I am, cranking out my thousandth chest press of the day.

“Bro—haven’t seen you in a minute.” A strong hand slaps my leg and I glance up, rocketed out of my weightlifting trance.

“Hey, man.” I rack the weights and sit up, acknowledging my best friend, Danny—Trixie’s older brother. “Long time no see. How’s the wife? The kids?”

He puffs out a breath. “Fine, they’re good. Ana’s always busting my balls about working out, she’s worried I’m gonna drop dead of a heart attack from high cholesterol or some shit. But when I told her I was coming after work today, she pitched a fit. Take my advice—keep doing what you’re doing. Donotget married. Much more fun to play the field.”

I chuckle, knowing that Danny never played the field in his life. He and Ana started dating back in the eighth grade and have been going strong ever since.

“Sure. I’ll take your word for it.”

“I’ll bet the tail on the West Coast is fine.” He peers off in the distance, eyes glazed over as he imagines all the beautiful Hollywood starlets.

I shrug. “It’s all right.”

“How’s the knee coming?” Danny gestures at my scar. “You think you’ll be able to stunt again?”

“For sure. I’m way too young to hang it up. I have at least five more years in me.”

“Cool. Listen—have you seen my sister around? She texted me yesterday that she made it to town, but I haven’t talked to her yet.”

My gut twists, and I shift my weight on the bench. “Uh—yeah. I’ve seen her around.”

Like, in my bed.

Definitely not telling him that, though. Trix and I made a deal and I intend to keep it.

“I hope she can get something going with this shop idea. I feel kinda bad for her. That toolbag boyfriend she had in Savannah did her dirty.”

“Really? How so?” My knuckles flex, hot anger rising in me. Trix might be aggravating as hell sometimes, but I still hate hearing about someone mistreating her.

Danny drops his voice, the clang of weights echoing off the high ceilings in the gym.

“Cheated on her with his college intern. Apparently, she really worked to earn the extra credit, if you know what I mean.” He waggles his eyebrows and my stomach roils thinking about it.

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