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“Eh, he’s okay. If you’re into light hair.”

“You’re not?”

“I guess I could be. I just usually like dark hair more. Ages better.”

“C’mon, get on the app with me. Let’s try it out, then report back to Liam.”

My gut twisted. I did not think Liam would be down with that. And sure, I wanted to keep him at arm’s length, but going on his app to find a boyfriend? No.

“I’m good.”

“Macy, stop being such a prude! Let’s do this together!”

“I said ‘no,’ Everly.”

“Wow, you don’t have to be so grumpy about it.” She folded her arms across her chest and shot me a dirty look.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be grumpy,” I said, trying to smooth things over. The last thing I needed was an angry Everly. She knew how to hold a grudge better than anyone I’d ever met. And for us to be fighting over Liam’s dating app, of all things. Totally not worth it.

“Fine, whatever. I’ll test it out first.” She shrugged, returning to her phone. “It’ll give me something to talk to Liam about, anyways. Maybe it’ll even make him jealous...”

“Why would you want to make him jealous?” I asked, raising a brow at her as my stomach knotted. I had a pretty good idea, but needed to verify.

“Proven method of getting a man interested in you, of course. I mean, are you blind, Mace? He is HOT. He’s smart. He’s funny. He’s a McCauliffe, so his family is awesome. Why wouldn’t I want him to be interested in me?”

So my sister was into Liam. Made sense—she had invited him to our movie night.

“But he lives in California, Ev.”

“So? I could move.”

A cold wave of dread slithered all the way down my body, landing hard in the pit of my stomach. “What? No!”

“Macy, I wouldn’t want to leave you, but c’mon. How many eligible bachelors are left in Peachtree Grove? Ryder’s engaged, Quinn’s dating Delaney, Josh is married. I guess Ben’s still single...” Her eyes traveled up to the ceiling as she mentally ran through the admittedly short roster of age-appropriate men in town.

“Exactly. Ben’s cute!” I said, snapping, my voice high-pitched with an unusual level of enthusiasm.

“Yeah, but that one could be tough for me. I still remember that time in third grade when he threw up on Samantha Wright.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” I muttered, shaking my head. “The third grade, Ev? Give the guy a break. That was like a million years ago. I’m sure he can hold his chocolate milk by now.”

Everly chuckled. “I hope so. Okay, so there’s one bachelor in town. But Liam? He’d be worth a cross-country move.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” I said, picking at a loose thread on the bottom of my T-shirt.

“We’ll see how tonight goes. Maybe he’ll ask me out and we can go from there.”

A sharp stab of jealousy hit me in the chest.I did not want my sister going out with Liam.Should I come clean with Everly now, before movie night?

“Um...” I said, clearing my throat, pausing as I tried to choose the exact right words here. “You know he helped fix my car, right?”

“Yeah, you mentioned that. Another data point in my corner—he’s thoughtful. I love that in a guy.” Her eyes went wide and glassy as she considered all his great traits.

“We kind of, sort of...”

Everly’s phone vibrated in her hand, interrupting me. “Just a sec, Mace, I have to take this. It’s Betsy.”

I nodded, “Okay.”

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