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“Mom told me. And I quote, ‘He’s real sweet on her.’” I side-eyed him, enjoying the pink color flooding his face, the uncomfortable shifting in his seat.

“She’s good, we’re good. Listen—I don’t know where you planned on staying, and maybe you want to stay with Gigi or Ryder and Bree, but if you want your own space, I still have my apartment. You could crash there.”

I raised my eyebrow at him. “Thanks. Where are you living now, besides the station?”

Quinn cleared his throat as he exited the interstate, heading towards Peachtree Grove. “With Delaney.”

I let out a long, low whistle. “Whoa. Must be really serious then. Thanks for the apartment offer. I’ll take you up on it. I hate to put anyone out and Gigi has enough on her plate. She doesn’t need to be taking care of meandPops.”

“You can use my truck, too. I know it’s not a Ferrari like you have back home–”

I chuckled. “No Ferrari back home. Are you sure about your truck? I could rent a car.”

“No way. I have my motorcycle. Save your money.”

Quinn pulled into the half-full parking lot of Peachtree General Hospital, sliding into a spot near the front. “Thought we’d hit visiting hours, then grab some food.”

“Sounds good.”

Unbuckling my seatbelt, I worked hard to squash down the hot panic rising in my chest. I hadn’t been back inside this hospital since my dad died twenty-plus years ago. Taking a deep inhale through my nose, I blew out my breath through my mouth, yoga-style.

You can do this, Liam. Focus on the present.

Wiping my sweaty palms down the front of my jeans, I trailed behind Quinn as he strode into the hospital, unfazed. He probably came here while he was on duty, judging by the familiarity he had with the staff. Every nurse we passed smiled at him, and he walked straight over to the elevators, not bothering to stop at the front desk for a nametag.

“You okay?” Quinn shot me a look of concern, one brow raised. “You’re a little pale.”

I shrugged. “Nah, I’m good. Probably just the lack of sleep catching up to me.”

The elevator doors slid open and we stepped out, a strong antiseptic smell hitting me square in the face, curdling my stomach.I fucking hated hospitals.

We walked down the long white hallway, Quinn in the lead. The high-pitched beeping of machines rattled me, and sweat broke out on the small of my back. Quinn stopped in front of a room and glanced over his shoulder.

“You want to go in alone?”

I shook my head, my stomach clenching. “Nah. Let’s go together.”

Without another word, Quinn opened the door, poking his head in. “Hey, Pops. Look who I found.”

He swung the door all the way open, urging me into the room. I hesitated for a split second, then mustered the courage to enter, putting on my game face.

“Liam!” Pops’s voice, typically deep and jovial, sounded weak and raspy now. He lay in the narrow hospital bed, several layers of wires crisscrossing his body.

“Hey, Pops. That gown looks good on you.” I gestured to the white-and-green flecked, paper-thin material.

“Hmph. I don’t think green’s my color,” he grumbled.

I took the three steps to the bed, leaning over and squeezing him gingerly. He was a lot smaller than I remembered—or maybe I was just larger. I didn’t know.

“Tell me this was a planned trip and you didn’t fly all the way from California for this,” he said, his brow furrowed.

“Of course he did, John,” Gigi said, her voice laced with worry.

I moved to her side, wrapping my arms around my aunt. “Hi, Gigi. So good to see you.” She was a petite little thing, barely reaching my chest, and I could have encircled her tiny frame at least one and a half times. I inhaled her lavender scent, warm memories of home-cooked meals rushing back to me.

“You, too, my boy.” She leaned back, training her clear blue eyes on me. “Now tell us what’s good.”

“The weather. The weather’s really good.”

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