Page 78 of Turning Up the Heat

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I swallowed hard over the lump in my throat. “He wants me to open a second bakery. In Midtown.”

“When did all this happen?” He stared at me and my gut swirled and churned with anxiety.

“Not that long ago, swear.”

“Damnit, Delaney. When? And why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was hard, his fists balled at his side.

I shrugged, the hot prick of tears burning behind my eyes.Do not cry, Lanie.

“Not long, a few weeks, maybe. And I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to rock the boat. Everything was going so well between us. I love your family, then work has been beyond busy for both of us. I never found a good time to bring it up,” I said, my voice shaky.

“And you dated that guy? How long?” Quinn locked eyes with me.

“Not long. It was a disaster of a relationship.”

“How long, Delaney?”

“About three months.” I willed myself to maintain eye contact, even though my heart was pounding hard in my chest.

“Who broke it off?”

“Does it matter?” I thrust my chin out, now slightly annoyed at the interrogation.

“It does to me. This is the first I’m hearing of this bakery in New York, and your ex shows up at your place in the middle of the damn night. Sorry, but that doesn’t scream ‘casual’ to me.”

Quinn had a point.

“He did,” I said, my voice soft. I moved closer to Quinn, but he backed away.

“Are you considering moving back to New York?” Quinn’s face was totally blank, but his voice ticked up a half-notch.

“No.” I scuffed my toe on the floor.Was I considering it?“Probably not. But it’s a good offer.”

“Probably not? So you are thinking about it and didn’t even bother telling me?” Quinn’s eyes flashed, his fists clenched.

A hot rush of panic flooded through me, a raw pit gnawing in my gut. “No. Maybe. I don’t know, okay? It’s a big opportunity, but I’m not sure I could swing it. And I don’t want to leave you.” I reached out to touch his arm, but he bristled and moved just out of reach.

“Remember that chat we had about secrets, Delaney? This is exactly what I was talking about. It doesn’t feel great to me.”

“I know, I’m sorry. Honestly, this all just happened and you were on the job and I didn’t want to distract you,” I said, ticking off all my excuses. I hated how lame I sounded; even worse, I hated the empty feeling in my chest and the clawing anxiety in my gut.

“I’m not gonna lie, Delaney. I’m really pissed off right now. I’d leave, but I don’t want you to be alone, just in case he comes back.”

“Quinn...” I stepped forward, reaching for his hands once more, but he turned and walked towards the stairs.

“I’ll crash on the couch,” he said, not even bothering to look over his shoulder.

My heart squeezed in my chest as I trudged up the stairs behind him; I doubted I’d get any sleep at all tonight.

* * *

I’d totally called it. I slept zero minutes in my cold, empty bed and rose before dawn. I tiptoed out to the kitchen and caught sight of Quinn sleeping soundly on my too-short-for-him couch. I quietly brewed a strong pot of coffee and retreated back to my bedroom to text Mars.

D:Crisis alert. Holden showed up at the bakery last pm.

M: WTF?!?

D: I know. Bad because Quinn was here

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