Page 49 of Turning Up the Heat

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Kacie raised her eyebrows in question.

“Quinn’s my brother. And I happen to know he’s fantastic at his job. And Delaney makes the best lemon bars south of the Mississippi.”

“You two are related? Oh my.” Kacie looked between the two men and continued fanning herself, despite the icy cold wind. “You ladies in Peachtree Grove sure are lucky.”

“We are,” Bree said, stepping in. “I’m Bree Hart, Ryder’s girlfriend. Also, a relationship expert. Should you ever need advice.” Bree whipped a card out of her bag, always prepared and ready to plug her business. I could learn a lot from her.

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” Kacie gave Bree a cool smile, slipping the card into her bag.

“Daddy, I want to tell Santa what I want for Christmas.” Charlie tugged on Ryder’s hand, pulling him towards the line that had formed in front of the chief.

“Sure, buddy. Well, duty calls.” Ryder tipped his head towards Kacie. “Nice meeting you and good luck with the story.”

Kacie gave him another thousand-watt smile as he, Charlie, and Bree queued up for Santa.

“Did you get everything you need from me?” Quinn asked Kacie.

She glanced at her phone, presumably browsing through her notes.

“I think so,” she said, sounding disappointed.

“What time do you want to meet me at the bakery tomorrow?” I asked, glancing at my watch. It was already getting kind of late, and I still had to break down my tent after the festivities ended.

“Seven A.M.?” Kacie asked.

“Works for me. Here’s a business card with the address. I could also text it to you.” I pulled out my phone and we exchanged numbers.

“Perf,” Kacie said, in a business-like tone. It was the least enthusiastic she’d been all night. “See you tomorrow.” She waved good night and pranced off in her impractical stiletto boots.

“I think we both know who’s going to get more coverage,” I said, sticking my lip out in a pout.

Quinn grabbed me by the hips, pulling me up against his warm, muscular chest. “I’m sorry about that.” He leaned down, kissing me on the lips, slow and serious. My annoyance slid away, replaced by a white-hot heat deep in my belly.

“Mmmm, I guess I’ll let it go,” I murmured against his lips. “But you better make it up to me.”

Quinn pulled back, his eyes a stormy grey under raised brows. “Tonight?”

“I still have to break everything down and be up early in the morning...”

“You’re young,” he teased. “What if I help you get outta here? We’ll take everything back to the bakery and then I’ll take you upstairs.”

“I do like the sound of that,” I said, my hand traveling south of his waist, squeezing his very fine ass.

“Well, then why are we still standing here?” He grinned and winked. “Let’s get a move on.”

* * *

An hour later, we’d managed to clear out of the tree lighting, unload the dirty trays and supplies, clean up the cookie mess I’d made earlier, and send Mars off with a promise he’d be back no later than 6:30 A.M. tomorrow to start baking.

“Looks good in here,” I said, surveying the sparkling-clean marble kitchen countertop.

“Yes, it does.” Quinn pulled me to him, dropping slow, hot kisses all down my neck. A delicious shiver rippled through me as his lips traveled across my collarbone to my throat. He licked at my skin and a tiny hum of pleasure escaped my lips.

“You know, I should be mad at you,” I whispered into the darkened room as he continued his descent from my neck down to my chest, his rough fingers feathering out just above my breasts. His thumbs skimmed the skin peeking out from underneath my lacy bra. I ran my fingers through his close-cropped hair, loving the prickly feel on my fingertips.

“Hmmm,” Quinn murmured, not making eye contact as he caressed my breasts, kissing my chest.

“For stealing the spotlight tonight,” I explained. The hard edge in my voice softened as his hands worked their magic, moving underneath the lacy edges, teasing my nipples.

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