Page 48 of Turning Up the Heat

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The temperature had dropped since we’d arrived and I shivered despite my warm peacoat, pulling the collar up around my ears. Even though I was cold on the outside, inside I was stewing.How dare Quinn take over my publicity shoot? And how dare Kacie hit on my man?Although, to be fair, I guess technically we weren’t exclusive. Yet. But we were definitely involved and I was starting to feel territorial, which hadn’t been in my plan at all. Damn it! Why did I go and get mixed up with a man—check that, a gorgeous player of a man—when I should have been busy keeping my eye on my business, not getting busy?

Because he’s worth it,a tiny voice whispered.

Oh, shut up.

But I couldn’t brush off the feeling and it grew even stronger when I walked up to the firetruck and saw Kacie giggling at whatever Quinn was saying and rubbing his arm.

Oh, it’s on now,I thought as I approached them. But I would have to tread lightly because I still needed a good write-up in theRecorder.

“Hey,” I said, waving lamely at the two of them, suddenly feeling like the odd girl out.

“Hey, Delaney. I was telling Kacie about the time a newbie set Station 54 on fire. Let’s just say it wasn’t a roaring start to his career.”

Kacie giggled again, an annoying, high-pitched hyena laugh, and I had to work really fricking hard not to roll my eyes. She was soobvious.

“That would be a bad first impression,” I said, shoving my hands deep into my pockets, partially to keep from smacking her.

“And now, Peachtree Grove, it’s the time we’ve all been waiting for: the seventy-fifth annual tree lighting ceremony,” the mayor announced over the stereo system as the lights dimmed all around us.

Carolers formed a U-shape in front of the tree and started singing “Oh, Christmas Tree” in perfect harmony. Snowflakes flurried, forming a light dusting of white on the ground, and all the kids hurried to get as close to the tree as possible. I waved to Skip as I inched slightly closer to Quinn. He must have sensed me because he stepped back, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me into his warm body. I relaxed against his strong frame, blowing out my insecurities as I inhaled the smells of Christmas.

“Five, four, three, two, one!”

The darkened tree illuminated, a beacon of white light against the cold, dark sky. Everyone cheered and clapped, with cries of “Merry Christmas” echoing off the cobblestones in the square. Quinn pressed his lips to my ear.

“Merry Christmas, Delaney.” The low timbre of his voice sent tiny ripples of excitement racing through my veins and I was warm and tingly all over.

“Merry Christmas, Quinn,” I murmured, turning to gaze into his slate eyes. I reveled in the moment with him, the snowflakes falling, the music swirling, the magic of the season wrapping us into an enchanted holiday cocoon.

“Y’all, this is absolutely perfect!” Kacie interrupted our magical moment. “I mean, this article is practically writing itself, it’s so lovely here!” She rubbed her hands with glee, seemingly overcome with the spirit of the season.

“Peachtree Grove is a pretty special place,” Quinn said, looking straight at me.

“Well, I can see that! Y’all, I just might have to move here. This is just the bee’s knees!”

Inwardly, I groaned. The last thing Peachtree Grove needed was Kacie, Girl Reporter. Outwardly, I smiled at her and nodded in agreement.

“Kacie, did you know the fire chief and his wife have been Santa and Mrs. Claus for the children for the last ten years? That would be a great shot.” I motioned to the chief as he accepted another toy donation, handing the boy a candy cane.

“Delaney, you are one-hundred percent correct! Quinn, do you want to just come over here?” She pointed to the side of the truck. “You should be in the picture, too, sugar.”

Oh brother, I can’t even right now.

“Uh, sure, I can do that.” Quinn dropped his arm from around me and sauntered over to the chief’s side.

Aggravation boiled in my stomach, but luckily for me, Ryder, Bree, and Charlie chose that exact moment to visit Santa.

“Hey,” Ryder said, slapping Quinn on the shoulder. “How’s it going? I brought the little man over to see Santa.”

“Oh. My. Stars. Are you—are you Ryder McCauliffe? Former wide receiver for the Cowboys?” Kacie’s cheeks flushed bright pink as she flipped her blond hair over her shoulder.

“Yep, that’s me. Retired now,” Ryder said, puffing his chest out a little at the recognition, flashing her a bright smile.

“Wow, just wow. I remember reading about you coming from Peachtree Grove, I just didn’t expect I’d run into you here. This has been quite a night,” Kacie said, fanning herself.

“Ryder, this is Kacie. She’s a reporter from Atlanta,” Quinn’s expression was tense as he shot Ryder a warning look, “and she’s going to be writing a story about Lanie’sand the toy drive in the Lifestylesection ofThe Recorder.”

“Cool. Can’t wait to read it. Station 54 is the best. But I’m a little biased.”

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