Page 3 of Christmas Tempest

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A few minutes later, they were relaxing at the table in the diner, scanning the menu. “I’m having a strawberry marguerita to celebrate my decision. You want to join me? My treat.”

“I shouldn’t.”

“Hey, live a little. It’s not everyday your best friend grows a pair. We should mark the occasion with something alcoholic.”

Grinning now, Mandy nodded. “Sure, you’re right. I’m in.”

Jasmin watched Mandy choose her meal, knowing how difficult she made it. Knowing that every morsel of food she ate had to pass her guilt test and be fussed over. These idiosyncrasies in her friend made her love her all the more.

Looking up at Jasmin’s teasing smile, Mandy explained self-consciously. “My scale never lies, yet I don’t overeat.” She pleaded to be believed. “Everything I look at adds on weight. Trust me.”

Laughing, Jasmin teased, “Right. First you look at it, then it goes into your mouth. That counts you know.”

Sighing, Mandy grinned sheepishly. “You know me too well.”

“And I love you just the way you are. Order your favorite food and no guilt. Just enjoy. Honey, life is too short to always be mad at yourself.”

Looking the picture of remorse, Mandy’s answer almost broke her heart. “I know it. And I hate myself for being so weak. I just can’t seem to stop stuffing myself all the time. I get nervous, I eat. I feel sad, I eat. Hell, I even eat when I’m happy. It’s like I’m addicted.”

“I’m sorry.” Jasmin reached for Mandy’s hand. “I didn’t realize how upsetting this is for you. Honey, it’s not the food you crave, it’s the brief reward you like… I’m guessing. From what I understand though, it only lasts for a short while and then you’re wanting it again.”

“You know me so well.” Mandy lowered her head to her hands, pushing her dyed red curls behind her ears.

“Okay, don’t get mad but I’m going to make a suggestion. And if you don’t want to follow it, no biggie.”

“Please. Tell me.”

“Right. Here goes. You, my friend, are a fact finder, a spreadsheet whiz, and a genius on the internet. In fact, you blow me away with your talents. So why don’t you use those skills to come up with a diet that will give you the foods you crave in small doses but mixed with healthy low-carb stuff to keep you full. Base it on a system of reward. Like if you eat salads filled with hardboiled eggs or chicken, you know, something that’s substantial, you can have a small bowl of ice cream as a reward. And if you do a stir fry containing mostly veggies and protein, you can have a small piece of cake. That way, you’ll always be full but still get to have your favorite cheater foods… just in small quantities.

Catching on with the idea, Mandy clapped her hands and gleefully added, “I love stir-fries and could freeze treats in a way so as to make sure of the sizes. I could come up with a menu plan to follow every day, so I shop for the right foods each week. I love the idea. I’m going to try it starting tonight.”

“Just don’t starve yourself or you’ll fail.”

“Right. Got it.” Changing the subject, Mandy said, “I’m ready to make changes so tell me you were serious about me moving with you to Carlton Grove.”

“Of course, I was. I’d love to have my best friend nearby. I know you’ve never been there but it’s a friendly, warm-heartedtown filled with nice people who care about their neighbors.” Jasmin searched her friend’s expression. “So you’re serious about making the change and moving with me?”

Sitting upright, instantly on guard because of Jasmin’s earnest tone, Mandy bobbed her head at the same time as she spoke. “You’re damn rights, I meant it.”

“Then, you’re on. I’m resigning today and going home for the holidays. First day of the new year, I’ll be hunting for jobs for the both of us.”

Lifting their glasses in a toast, both girls clinked, grinned, and drank.

Chapter Three

Driving from Seattle had seemed like a great idea when her mother had made the suggestion. Therefore, Mandy followed through with the plan. But a good idea at the time doesn’t always pan out. What neither of them took into consideration was the weather.

No sooner had she started out on I-5, she noticed the falling snow had begun to intensify. It’s not as if she’d never driven in this kind of weather before, she had many times. But something seemed different today. The flakes were unusually thick, making visibility worse with every mile. Plus, the buildup became more noticeable after each half hour she drove.

Another observation she began to notice, there seemed to be fewer vehicles, many having pulled off in various directions leaving her feeling like the only living soul in the world.

Thankfully, she soon reached the turnoff to the smaller road to Carlton Grove and realized there was a difference between a plowed surface and one not so well cared for.

Every mile she drove had her white knuckling the steering wheel, her eyes glued to the swirling curtain that wasn’t being dealt with very well by her windshield wipers. She’d begun noticing haul trucks stranded on the sides of the road and many smaller vehicles in the ditches.

Hello, Jasmin, why in the world didn’t you check the weather report before leaving the city?Trying to get everything accomplished had kept her busy right up to the hour before her train left. Frankly, gathering all the presents she’d gone overboard on for her family had been truly fun. But she’d ended up with way more baggage and huge additional baggage fees.

Thinking about those last few weeks, she went back the day she resigned.

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