Page 2 of Christmas Tempest

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Before she could get back to the screen filled with dry lawyer jargon, a person appeared at her door. “Hey, Mandy. What’s up?”

“It’s the bitchy, lawyer-eating she-wolf. She’s on the warpath, and she’s headed this way. Just a heads up.”

By the time Jasmin had funneled the warning, Mandy had disappeared and a few seconds later, Meredith Jones, her boss stood in the same space Mandy had vacated. From her pissy attitude and the frown on her Botox-filled features, she was out for blood. Stupidly, the thought entered that maybe if she didn’t wear her hair pulled back so tight in a bun on the top of her head, the woman might be able to form a smile. Trying hard not to giggle at the image, Jasmin kept her face straight with fake interest.


Ignoring the niceties, Meredith barked, “Jasmin, where is the file I asked you to finish on the Stiles case?”

“I did finish it and sent it to your office yesterday.”

“No. You didn’t.”

Taken completely aback, Jasmin fumbled for her next words. Before she could come up with any, Meredith blasted her loud enough for everyone in the outer office to hear.

“Friggin’ incompetent… narcissistic…. I have no idea how you got this job.” By this time, the she-wolf had built up enough steam that her hands were clenched and riding her hips. “I specifically asked for those files because I needed them for the courtroom later today.”

“And I sent them to you like you requested. You can check my sent messages.”

“See… that’s just it. Why can’t I simply trust your word?”

“Why would you say that? I’ve never lied to you. In fact, I worked on those files until eleven o’clock last night. And that case had nothing to do with what I’m supposed to be spending my time on.”

Ignoring Jasmin’s logic, Meredith strode forward, rudely waving her hand. “Get out of my way. Show me your proof.”

Jasmin, her fingers working at lightning speed, pulled up the sent mail and sure enough, there was the email she had forwarded with the attached files. “See here.”

Meredith leaned over and saw where Jasmin’s pencil nib pointed at the screen. “You sent them to the company’s address. I specifically asked you to forward them to my personal email. See. I knew you’d screw up.”

Fuming, Meredith swung away from Jasmin’s desk and stomped out of the room, leaving behind a furious employee.

Christ in a barrel! I can never do anything right for that woman. Why even try? I’m just her scapegoat for whenever she feels like dumping on someone.

Seconds later, Mandy reappeared wearing a consoling expression. “Don’t listen to her, Jasmin. Everyone knows she’s a nutbar. That ditzy broad is just using you to cover up her own failings. Anyone else would have checked both of those addresses.”

“Yeah. What I didn’t get time to add is this. I sent them to both. Here. Look. See the ‘Sent to’ line. I swear she’s losing it.”

Mandy released an expletive under her breath and added, “Lost it, you mean. Why does the B always use you as her punching bag?”

“I don’t know.”

“I do. It’s because you’re ten times smarter and prettier than she is, and you work five times harder.”

Jasmin grimaced, anger beginning to build. “Maybe she can’t stand her own feelings of inadequacy. Who knows? But I’ve reached my sucking-up limits. I’m writing my resignation today. When I go home for Christmas, I’ll be looking for a new job.”

Mandy’s voice oozed with sorrow. “Noooo. Don’t leave me here alone.” Hands posed in prayer, while actual tears filled Mandy’s blue eyes. “Find two jobs, and I swear, I’ll follow you.”

Giggling from the relief of her decision, Jasmin teased, “What about your boyfriend, Harvey?”

Mandy’s defiant, tear-filled glare had Jasmin rushing to her side. “What is it? You’re upset, and it’s not just about what happened earlier. Tell me what I can do.” Jasmin wrapped her arms around her friend and gathered her rather large body in close. They made quite a pair when they were together. Jasmin, small-boned and slim from her daily early-morning jogs, had muscles throughout that made her stronger than her tiny appearance would suggest.

Whereas Mandy had a foot more in height, filled out every inch to overflowing, and was always on some weird diet to keep from blossoming even further. Yet the amazon-like woman had a heart as big as her body, which made Jasmin love her like a sister.

“Tell me. I’ve been so busy, I’ve been putting you off lately, haven’t I?” Jasmin smoothed Mandy’s hair. “I’ve had the feeling you wanted to talk to me, but this hectic treadmill that Meredith has me on means there’s been no time left over. I’m really sorry, Mandy. Look, sit here. I’m all yours. Tell me,” she repeated, but this time with so much feeling that Mandy collapsed, giving in to the attentive and affectionate tone.

“We broke up last week. He was furious with me for canceling yet another date. Said I should just move in here since I spend more time at the office than I do at home.”

“I’m sorry, Mandy. Guess he’s got a point though. What boyfriend wants to come in second to a job? Look, it’s lunchtime. Let’s get out of here and go across the street to the restaurant for a real sit-down meal and a chat. You can tell me all about it.”

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