Page 100 of Devil in a Tux

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“You could say that.”

He nodded. “Well then, you got no choice. You gotta forget you ever did those things. You might be able to tell her in a few years and fix things, but with what you told me this thing between you can’t last that long. Problem solved.”

He’d said that before, but I didn’t get it. “Sure it can.”

“Her dad thinks you're wrong for her, and your dad thinks she's wrong for you. Sooner of later the family pressure will be too much for one of you.”

I swished my whiskey around in my glass. I’d come looking for an outside perspective. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, but Martin made sense.

He pointed a finger at me. I bet you have it all documented, don’t you? You’re always so organized.”

“You know me too well. Operation Overwatch”

“Cool name. On the bright side. You got a perfect way to get rid of her when you want to. After telling her you’re little secret, it sounds like it will be a permanent goodbye.”

He laughed. “Give me a heads up when you buy her a plane ticket.”

* * *


Scene 52 placeholder.



Thursday morning,I’d woken up to a cold bed with no Evan beside me, for the third morning in a row. But, he was due back today and that would change.

Over my morning bagel,I reviewed our text thread with my guy again.

ME: Find it hard waking up on Central time?

EVAN: Only because I get to think of how soon I get to see you again. How’d you sleep.

ME: Restless. The bed was too cold.

I had a surprise for him that Gwen had suggested. I’d not gone with her idea of getting a Brazilian wax, but had opted to fully shave instead. She’d quoted from Cosmo telling me that it was sure to get Evan’s engine revving. And, she said I’d really get him into turbo mode if I mentioned I was going commando just before he got home. I wasn’t so sure about that one.

EVAN: Sorry I didn’t get Thor replaced for you before I left.

ME: Have you gotten everything accomplished there that you wanted?

EVAN: Yes. What’s happening at your work today?

ME: I have a 9:30 meeting The client is still having banking issues. It could be a problem.

EVAN: Sounds interesting.

ME: Loan applications make me nervous.

EVAN: Didn’t I already tell you I’m an expert on loan applications maybe I can help.

ME: I’m afraid we’re out of time with this client. I have to get it right today or we may lose him.

Maybe I should have picked his brain on loan applications before he left, because losing Mr. Perez was a very real possibility.

EVAN: You’ll do fine. Miss you.

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