Page 99 of Devil in a Tux

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“Yeah, her.”

“She must be something else in bed if you’re still with her this long.”

I didn’t answer that. Alexa and I were burning up the sheets but that wasn’t the reason I hadn’t moved on. I hadn’t explained myimage rehabilitationproject and that I wasn’t cycling through women like before. Nobody knew, except Alexa of course, and it had to stay that way.

“Can’t wait to sample her if she’s that hot,” he chuckled.

My jaw clenched and my hand tightened on the glass.

Sensing my anger, Martin put up his hands. “Sorry. I meant when you’re done with her of course.”

“I really like her.” It was my best way of telling him that she wasn’t going anywhere. “That’s my problem.”

“Get her a Hawaii ticket and I’ll solve that for you.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I don’t want her to leave.”

“Some people consider that a good thing,” he quipped.

I wasn’t into his humor right now. This was a serious issue. “There’s something about our past that she doesn’t know, and it’s going to piss her off.”

“If you two have history we’re going to be here a while.” He pointed at my third glass on the table. “Finish that and start at the beginning.” He refilled my empty first glass.

* * *

“Letme see if I got this straight," Martin said, twisting his glass on the table. It was almost empty and he’d stopped refilling his a while back.

I was on my fifth maybe sixth. I’d lost track. We’d already gone over the details of my dilemma twice now and he wanted to repeat it.

“Your families hate each other’s guts?”

I nodded. “With a passion.”

“She thinks you destroyed her chance to go to college when you bankrupted her family, but she managed to anyway because of her hard work.”

“Basically,” I admitted. “It was really my dad who pulled out the real estate deal that bankrupted them, but she lumps me in with him, whole family and all.”

“And,” he continued. “She doesn’t know that you got her into school and paid for it.”

“That’s right. The money came through a scholarship grant with no ties to me.”

“Where any other girl would be saying thank you Evan, you think she’d hate learning about this because of this independent streak she’s got.”

I nodded. “She’s got a lot of pride and is very self-reliance oriented. Even now she refuses to let me help her.”

“And, you’re sure she doesn’t know about this Columbia?”

“Not a clue,” I confirmed.

He lifted his glass and sipped the very last of his whiskey. “If you tell her and she bolts, what’s the problem?”

“I told you she’ not just any girl… woman. She’s special. That’s why we’re here. I have to figure out how to go about this and not loose her.”

“To recap, you want to keep her no matter what?”

“That’s what I’ve been saying. She’s special. A real spitfire.”

“Got a temper?”

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