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After they were all through, Len shut down the machine. “That’s it. Time to lock up for the night. Now on to the Gallery on Wednesday, I guess.”

“Something like that,” Hal said.

I sealed the envelope I’d been collecting the camera SIM cards in.

Len smiled as he picked up his backpack. “Kelly, I can give you a lift home. It’s on the way for me.”

It bothered me that he knew I lived on the way, but I guessed the security guys had access to that kind of information. “No thanks. I’ve got a ride coming to pick me up.”

Len nodded dejectedly and waited by the door.

I hurried to the employee locker room to get my stuff and put the SIM cards safely in my purse. I’d seen the movieNight at the Museum, and I had no intention of being locked in here after dark. Kirby was convinced it was based on a true story, and I wasn’t ready to check it out for her.

“Sure you don’t want a ride?” Len asked again when I returned.

I could see Adam’s car waiting by the curb.

“My ride’s here,” I told him, pointing toward the street.

Len left quickly, not looking any happier than the first time I’d turned down his offer.

The door closed behind Len before Hal spoke. “You know, he’s just trying to be helpful.”

“I know.”

It took Hal a minute to place his carefully folded OPS jacket into his backpack. He held the door open. “Let’s get outta here; my dinner’s getting cold.”

I slipped by. As I did, the shoulder strap to my purse caught on the door handle. My bag hit the ground with a thud. The strap had broken loose where it attached—again. I picked up the heavy bag and cradled it on my hip.

“You sure are accident prone today,” Hal noted as he locked the door after us.

“Ain’t that the truth.” I was a walking disaster.

Hal radioed the central OPS office. “We’re out and locked for the night at Natural History. You’re a go for the alarms.”

“Thanks for the first aid,” I called as I turned to meet my ride.

“Anytime.” He waved and headed east.

Chapter 20


After her text,I waited at the curb for Kelly outside the Natural History Museum.

She finally came out with a guard, who locked the door behind them. The kiss she gave me was worth the wait. I couldn’t get enough of her, and she didn’t pull away.

The feel of her taut nipple under my thumb as I copped a feel told me she was as excited as I was. I breathed in her scent and wished I hadn’t left the shower the other morning.

She clawed at my back, and I wished we weren’t on the street so I could find out how her bare tits would feel against me. She looked up at me breathlessly when I broke the kiss and she giggled.

I opened the door for her. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh, nothing.”

“Remember the honesty rule.”

She put a hand on my chest. “I was thinking I like the kissing practice.”

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