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“For no extra charge, I can include lessons.”

“Is that allowed?”

I pulled her in and nuzzled her ear. “There aren’t any firm rules against it.” I’d double checked the Justice Department rules and ethics guidelines.

She shifted to rub her hip against my crotch. “Are you offering any other lessons?”

She was hot as a pistol tonight.

“It depends.”

She stretched up to whisper. “Are you propositioning me, Mr. Cartwright?”

But her mention of our family name killed the vibe completely. She’d managed to remind me how foolish this was.

I let go of her. “Get in.”

Her lips tilted down. “What?”

“Time to go.”

She slid into the seat.

I didn’t notice her bandage until I started the car. “What happened to the arm?”

“Scraped against a sharp corner in the cafeteria at lunch.”

“Was anybody near you when it happened?”

“No. Why?”

Her answer calmed my nerves. She probably wasn’t aware of the half dozen ways SMK could attack her with a compound introduced through a wound like that. But this sounded like an accident.

“Just curious.”

She shifted in her seat.

“You okay?”

She stretched her shoulders. “Tired and sore is all.”

“Long day?”

“I can tell you I would never make it as a TSA screener, and the chair they gave me was hard as a rock.” She shifted in her seat. “My butt is sore. Good thing the next one isn’t tomorrow. I couldn’t take two days in a row of this.”

I held back a chuckle. The princess clearly wouldn’t be able to handle the kind of stakeouts I got assigned. “Not much you can do about that, unless you want to go for a walk.”

“I feel more like vegging out in front of the TV.”

“A walk is better for you.”

“And maybe a backrub,” she added a block later.

The mental image of my hands on her had blood flow moving south in a hurry. I kept my eyes on the traffic, not hazarding a glance in her direction that would telegraph my desire.

“Please?” she asked. It was clear she was looking for an answer more definitive than my silence. “I can give you one too.”

My engorged cock strained against my pants, and my skin tingled from just the thought of her hands on my body. “That won’t be necessary.” I glanced over and gave her the briefest of smiles.

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