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“Who was it?” Kelly asked.

“Leonard Sanderson.”

“Len? He’s one of the OPS guards,” Kelly told us.

I backed away from her. “We have to check his house. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” The one thing I wanted most to do was hold her and comfort her, but I couldn’t now. The job demanded it wait until later.

As soon as we pulled into traffic and headed north, with full lights and siren, Neil decided to lecture me. “This is now officially FUBAR.”

“I know.” I’d been running this, and he’d just reminded me whose ass was on the line. I’d just shot our best lead at finding the Evelyn lady. Not my finest hour.

“And you can’t promise we’ll find her friend.”

“I know,” I repeated. I hadn’t been able to give Kelly the standard bullshit FBI line; she deserved more than that.

The Bureau had lots of procedures and protocols, and overpromising and underdelivering wasn’t one of them—another thing I could look forward to getting reamed on.

As the scenery rolled by, the shooting replayed in my head. Each time the loop ended with that look on SMK’s face. He’d forced it, and yet the bullets surprised him, or so it seemed.

There hadn’t been a way to avoid it. Firing before he did had been my only option.

Chapter 34


I rodewith Rylie back to Adam’s place.

“You shouldn’t have pulled the earpiece out,” she said as soon as the car door closed.


She shot me a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding glance. “Don’t try that on me.”

“But he said he had Evelyn, and I had to do the right thing for her. Adam was talking too much in my ear.”

“And you decided to trust a murderer instead of the team.”

“I was trying to save Evelyn.”

“You don’t get it,” she sneered. “We all stay safe by trusting one another and doing what we’re supposed to, not by making it up as we go along.”

Soft, supportive Rylie had morphed into a jerk.

“Because of you, Adam changed the plan, and we ended up with a shooting situation that could have gone horribly wrong. Adam or Neil could have ended up on the pavement instead of that dirtbag.”

I shrank in my seat.

“That man is most probably dead because you didn’t trust us.” Her tone seemed to indicate that I might as well have pulled the trigger. “And that makes it infinitely more difficult to find your friend. If you’d spoken up about her, so we knew about it, instead of going rogue, that would have changed everything about how Adam handled the situation.”

A chill came over me as her words sunk in. I wrapped my arms around myself. If they couldn’t find Evelyn, it might be my fault.

She drove in silence for several blocks. “And after we either do or don’t find your friend, there’s another problem.”

I wasn’t sure I could handle another problem after the guilt trip she’d laid on me.

“Your boyfriend’s going to need your support,” she said as we neared our destination.

“What boyfriend?”

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