Page 92 of Havoc

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I reached for my purse then gave him a hug. “Thank you, Dad.” I turned my tired body away and headed for my suite. As I stepped through the door, I felt a small smile tug at my lips. I forgot sometimes how much I yearned to be cared for, but more importantly, loved. I knew I was surrounded by family, but a father’s love was something special, and the unexpected affection from him was just what I needed.

The next day was spent on the golf course with Salazar. He filled me in on how he’d made things right with Mr. Hong. Though I was pleased to hear it, I wasn’t quite sure Yen was as forgiving as Salazar was playing it off. But nonetheless, he was making an effort, and the two seemed to be cordial. It was all good.

It was day three since I’d gotten back, and a day on the golf course was a good way to clear my head. My thoughts went back to earlier in the morning. I’d had a message that there was an all-hands-on-deck upper management meeting on the twentieth floor from Jim Gates. I hadn’t even known he’d come back. I had not heard a word from Grim, but I hadn’t heard from Jesse either.

When I arrived, my stomach bottomed out as I took in who all was there. The entire Gates family sat at one end of the long table, and whispers from the staff about what was going on made a dull roar in my ears. Grim’s expression was cold and lifeless as I slipped into my chair and hoped he’d look over. I didn’t expect much from him after all that had happened, but I’d expected him to at least register me. I caught Jesse’s gaze from across the room, and his expression held such sadness, it was almost like he was apologizing for Grim’s behavior. Knox leaned over and whispered something to Grim, but he shook his head like he couldn’t deal with whatever it was that Knox said. Grim looked over at his mother, and she nodded and gave Jim’s arm a pat. Jim stood and addressed the situation in New Orleans.

Jim’s emotion would have cracked even the most heartless, and I was shocked he was able to take point on the meeting, but I knew a man in his position had to ensure that every person in the room knew just how important it was that we controlled the narrative of the story. His family had to show they were still and would always be in control, no matter what was thrown at them. After his brief explanation of what had happened, he made it clear that everyone was to take a “we know nothing concrete yet” stance. You could have heard a pin drop in the room as Jim reached for his wife’s arm. He gave me a quick glance before they walked out, leaving the room in heartbreak.

“Hey, Kenna.” Jayden leaned toward me while the others in the room began to whisper together as they filed out. “Where’s your father? This was all-hands-on deck meeting.”

“LA,” I whispered as I reached for my purse, “helping mom out.”

“Oh.” He nodded. My father’s lack of presence at such a meeting would have surprised most everyone. “Seriously,” he touched my arm, “are you okay? I know you and Leo were close.”

“I’m really not sure what I am right now.” He stood when I did. “But thanks.” I was pleased we had reached a point in our working relationship where we could have such a conversation.

“You know where to find me.” He patted my shoulder, and we stepped back as the Gates brothers went to exit. I tried to speak to Grim, but he brushed by me with Jesse hard on his heels. A few minutes later, I got a text.

Jesse: Heading to LA, sorry for the lack of response from both of us.

“You know what’s strange?” Salazar pulled my thoughts back to him and away from this morning’s meeting. I got myself in check.

“What?” I sipped my lime water and watched him swing.

“The hotel seems off. I know the whole family are away, but there’s something in the air.”

“It’s not often they’re able to go away together. I’m sure it’s nothing.” I shrugged. Who was I to tell him they were back. I certainly wasn’t going to get into any conversation about it at this point. He’d know soon enough. “I agree that when the owners are away, their seconds in command, so to speak, tighten things up. It wouldn’t be good to have something go wrong on their watch.”

“No, it’s a darker vibe than that.” He nailed the feeling perfectly. “Doesn’t help that Sonny Conti seems to be here full time now. I don’t like the man.”


“What’s his story, anyway?”

“New money, thinks he’s God’s gift to women, as you saw firsthand.” I raised a brow, and he gave me an eye roll. “He loves to make Grim’s life hell at every turn.”

“And yet he’s a client here.”

“It’s a long story.”

“Care to share it?” He swung his club again, and I found myself reaching for my sweater. The temperature had dipped, or maybe the mention of Sonny just brought on an internal chill. I wished I knew if he’d had anything to do with Leo’s death. It couldn’t have been a coincidence he’d been around when it happened.

“I would rather swallow a box of tacks than discuss that man.”

“Understood.” He chuckled and focused on his game.

I knew my main clients couldn’t miss my change in mood, and I was pleased they only fished lightly for information. Most had enough problems of their own in the lives they led. They gave up when I didn’t bite, but it wouldn’t go on much longer. The word would be out. I still hadn’t heard anything from Grim. Only the text from Jesse that they were leaving for LA.

The evening was early when Salazar excused himself to go to his suite. I was sure it had everything to do with the drinks he’d shared with friends on the green. I was pleased because the knot in my stomach had come to the point of pain.

I had a bad feeling something was about to go down. Jesse’s reassurance that his trusted security would watch things carefully wasn’t cutting it anymore. A prickly sensation went up my back. I checked the time on my phone; it was seven on the dot. I spotted Jason watching me from the front desk of the lobby.Fuck it.I didn’t care what Jesse said about not talking to them. I went over and stared at him straight in the eye.

“Hey, Jason,” I stopped in front of him, and he stood straight and looked uncomfortable with my presence, “have you heard anything from Jesse or Grim?”

“No.” I assumed he was lying, but it still felt good to ask.

“If you do?”

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