Page 7 of Identity Risk

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“Good,” Mac said, his voice firm. “Keep me updated. I want to know the second we get a response.”

Adam gave a quick nod before leaving the room, leaving Mac alone with his thoughts. As the door clicked shut, a small, satisfied smile tugged Mac’s lips. Jessie might have signed up for this app thinking she’d meet someone new, but she had no idea what was coming her way.

Chapter Five

Jessie sat in the plush, modern conference room of“One and Done.”She felt out of place and more than a little embarrassed. She adjusted her blazer, trying to ignore the growing knot in her stomach while waiting for Ana Serrano, the app’s designer, to join her.

A few anxious minutes later, the door opened, and a tall woman with a confident stride and a warm smile walked in. Jessie assumed this was Ana. She was every bit as poised as Jessie had imagined. Her sleek black dress and stylish glasses added to her air of professionalism. She carried herself with the confidence of a queen.

“Jessie, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Ana Serrano,” the woman said, extending her hand.

Jessie stood and shook her hand, managing a polite smile. “Nice to meet you too, Ana. Though I must admit, I’m still not sure I should be here.”

Ana laughed lightly as she took a seat across from Jessie and opened a folder. “I hear that a lot. It’s not every day your best friend signs you up for something like this.”

Jessie’s cheeks flushed. “Exactly. I’m a little embarrassed, to be honest. This whole thing feels…well, a bit surreal, and not something I would normally do.”

Ana nodded understandingly. “I get it. But I assure you, it’s more fun than it initially seems. Let me explain how it works, and you might feel better about it. But before I do that, I must tell you that your profile has garnered quite a bit of interest already.”

Jessie’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

Ana smiled. “Yes. You see, normally, our billionaires are male. So, having a female is rare, and men are jumping at the opportunity to win your time.”

Jessie swallowed hard. Jesus, she was going to kill Lacie for getting her involved in this.

She leaned back in the chair, nodding for Ana to continue.

“So,” Ana began, “the way‘One and Done’works is pretty simple. As the billionaire—”

Jessie cringed slightly at the word, but Ana continued without missing a beat.

“—you get to set your preferences in terms of looks, personality traits, and any specific likes you have. On the other side, the non-billionaire participant shares a dream date they’ve always wanted to go on. It’s meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for them.”

Jessie raised an eyebrow. “So, I’ll pick a date based on a fantasy they’ve created?”

“Exactly,” Ana confirmed. “You’ll be presented with a few options that fit the criteria you set. You choose the date you’re willing to pay for and attend. Once you’ve made your choice, the selected participant will be given a description of you—nothing too personal, just enough for them to decide if they’re comfortable.”

Jessie nodded slowly, trying to wrap her head around the concept. “And there’s no money exchanged? And I don’t have to share my real name or occupation?”

“Absolutely not. It’s meant to be an escape,” Ana said gently. “A chance to step out of your life for a night and enjoy something without the complications of the real world.”

“Does sex have to be involved?” Jessie blurted out, deciding to get the question she had been dying to ask out of the way.

“Nope. Whatever happens during the date is up to you and the other party. I will tell you that each participant is fully vetted, and a background check is completed.”

Jessie nodded and sighed, her thoughts racing. “I don’t know. It just feels like I’m buying someone’s time.”

Ana leaned forward. Her expression was understanding. “Think of it as creating a memory for someone—one that they’ll treasure forever. And you get to share that memory without any expectations or obligations afterward. That is the one rule. There is no contact again after the date is over. You will each sign an NDA.”

Jessie thought about it for a moment, then gave a small nod. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot. But I’m still a little nervous.”

Ana smiled warmly. “That’s perfectly normal. Just remember, this is supposed to be fun. Who knows? You might end up with a story you’ll be glad you said yes to.”

Oh, Jessie was sure that there would be a story involved, and it may end with the murder of her best friend.

Jessie spent a few more minutes going over information about the app and how it worked. Ana briefly showed her the list of men who were already matched to her. She swallowed hard. How was she supposed to choose just one?

As Jessie left Ana’s office and walked back to her office, her thoughts were a jumble of excitement and uncertainty. This was definitely not how she imagined stepping back into the world, but maybe, just maybe, it could be the adventure she didn’t know she needed.

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