Page 6 of Identity Risk

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“You’re sure about this?” Mac asked, his voice low and measured, though the tension and anger beneath it was unmistakable.

Adam nodded, pushing his wire-framed glasses up his nose. “Yes, sir. She signed up under the alias Ella Belle.

“And what is this app exactly?” he asked, knowing it was a dating app. But there was more to it.

“It’s an exclusive dating app that caters to… billionaires. But the catch is that it is just for one date. As the name states—One and Done.So, they can only do it once, or I mean they can only—”

“I get the gist,” Mac stated, cutting Adam off.

His jaw tightened as he ground his teeth together. He wasn’t sure what infuriated him more—the fact that Jessie was looking for a date or that she was doing it through some shallow, elitist app.

Jessie was his. Well, she was. Then she wasn’t. She never officially broke things off with him, and he sure as hell never did either. So, technically, as far as he was concerned, she was still his.

The thought of her going on a date with anyone but him made his blood boil.

“If she’s going on a date with anyone, it’ll be me,” Mac muttered, more to himself than to Adam. He drummed his fingers on the desk. His mind was racing with possibilities. He wasn’t about to let some other guy swoop in and take what should be his.

Adam shifted on his feet, clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation. “What do you want me to do?” He asked Mac.

Mac’s eyes narrowed as a plan started to form. “Create a profile. Like she did, use an alias. Be subtle using my features, but give her something that’ll catch her eye but won’t give away who I am. When she reads the profile, I want her to think of me.”

Adam’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You want to…?”

“Yes,” Mac cut him off. “Match me to her profile. But I need you to make sure that I’m the one she is paired with. She has to select me.”

Adam hesitated for a moment but then nodded. The guy knew that there was no point in arguing with Mac when he was like this. “I’ll get it done. Any preferences on the alias?”

Mac leaned back in his chair and thought about it. “Something classic. Sophisticated, but not flashy.” He grinned as an idea hit him. “I get to select the date, right? I mean, I choose what we do?”

“Yes. The non-billionaire states on their profile what their ideal date is, and if the billionaire agrees, he or she sees that it is followed through with. They pay for it all.

Mac thought it was funny. Jessie may be a billionaire, but Mac wasn’t short on the cash flow. Between his business and assets he was a millionaire several times over. He honestly didn’t like the idea of someone trying to use Jessie for her money.

He leaned forward in his chair. “Okay, here is what I want you to put down for my ideal date. I want the date to be in theevening on a boat, sailing around the Hudson River watching the sun set. I want dinner and drinks included. Make it sound romantic. I also want you to include that sex is negotiable depending on how the evening progresses. Put something in there that I’m just a normal guy looking to spend a romantic evening with a beautiful and intelligent woman.”

Mac reached for a pen, wrote a few things down on a piece of paper, and handed it to Adam. “Include this in the part about dinner.”

Adam read it over, looked up at Mac, and gave him a strange look. “Steak, lobster, baked potato, and a green vegetable?”

Mac grinned. “Yep. That is the last meal we had on our last date. Like I said, I want her thinking about me when she reads this.”

“Alright,” Adam said as he opened up his laptop and started creating Mac’s profile.

Mac’s gaze drifted back to the window that was covered in raindrops.

Jessie had always been different, intriguing him in ways no one else had. She wasn’t just another pretty face with money. She was smart, caring, independent, and driven. The idea of her looking for someone else when he was waiting was enough to drive him mad.

Minutes passed in silence while Adam worked as his fingers flew across the keyboard of his computer. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. Finally, Adam looked up, his expression a mix of nerves and confidence.

“Your profile is set up and…” Adam’s sentence trailed off as he hesitated to continue.

“And what, Adam?” Mac asked with a raised eyebrow.

Adam shifted nervously in his seat. “I managed to get into the system and already matched your profile to hers, making sure itwas highlighted so that when she opens it again, your profile will stand out from the rest of her suitors.”

“Seriously?” Mac asked, very impressed with his tech guy.

Adam nodded. “Yep. Now we just wait.”

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