Page 10 of Identity Risk

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Lacie winked. “Again, you’ll thank me later.”

By the time they left the store, Jessie was carrying a discreet black shopping bag filled with all sorts of bedroom toys—some that she’d admit looked interesting, others that she had no intention of using. “You’re insane, you know that?” Jessie muttered.

Lacie laughed, slinging her arm around Jessie’s shoulders. “I know. But trust me, some of that stuff might surprise you. And if not, you can always gift it to me. I wouldn’t mind.”

Jessie shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. “You’re impossible.”

“But you love me,” Lacie teased, giving her a playful nudge. “Now, let’s get you home so you can get your beauty rest. You’ve got a big date tomorrow.”

Jessie laughed, shaking her head. “I’m still unsure how I let you talk me into this.”

“Because you secretly love the suspense,” Lacie grinned, winking.

Jessie couldn’t help but smile at her friend.

Chapter Seven

“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this,” Jessie mumbled before stepping out of her car. The soft click of the door closing behind her was the only sound in the quiet marina. She paused momentarily, taking in the view of her Oceanco superyacht. It was the same vessel that had been her home for the last year and a half. It was like a floating mansion with seven staterooms, which included a master stateroom that offered the most amazing panoramic views from its floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the bow.

She looked up at the sun, starting to lower in the sky. It was a beautiful evening—too lovely to be wasted on a blind date she didn’t even want to go on. She would rather curl up on one of the lounge chairs with a glass of wine and sail around the harbor alone, reminiscing about the last time she floated around the harbor. It had been her last date with Mac. They had shared so much that evening, including a beautiful night of lovemaking.

She didn’t tell Lacie, but after getting home last night and having a few glasses of wine, she took the plunge and tried calling Mac’s cell phone. She was both shocked and disappointed when she got the recording that the number had been disconnected. But never one to give up, she tried his office line. A woman answered, and when she asked for Mac, she was told he was out of the office and wouldn’t return until the following week. The woman offered to take a message, but Jessie politely declined. What kind of message was she supposed to leave for him?Can you please let him know that his long-lost girlfriend has called?She had never met his employees, so they didn’t know her.

She sighed, clutching her navy blue blazer a little tighter in her hand as she approached the yacht.I can’t do this…I can’t do this…The thought echoed in her mind as she climbed the short gangway and stepped onto the deck. She felt so far out of her comfort zone.

“Good evening, Ms. Jessie,” Martin, who doubled as her butler and chef, greeted her.

“Hello, Martin,” Jessie replied, offering the older English gentleman a warm smile. Martin was practically like family, having worked for her family for years. Martin was a closet jokester who hid behind his posh English upbringing. But he also was a great listener.

“I spoke with the Captain. He informed me that the weather would be ideal for evening outdoor activities. Dinner will be served at six on the sun deck so you and your guest can enjoy a delicious meal while taking in the sunset. As you requested, there will be limited staff onboard: Captain Tillman, First Mate Enrique, Chief Engineer Nolan, my assistant Emmett, and myself. Each has been instructed to remain on the lower or bridge decks. Well, except for Emmett and me while we’re cooking or serving. However, we’ll take our leave to the lower cabins once we finish our duties.”

“Thank you, Martin,” Jessie said, stepping forward and giving him a gentle hug.

“You’re very welcome, Ms. Jessie. Now, I shall get back to prepping for dinner. As soon as your guest arrives, I’ll let you know.”

After Martin disappeared, Jessie glanced at her watch. She still had about an hour before Matt was due to arrive. She glanced around, looking for something to do to take her mind off the impending date. However, Martin seemed to have covered all the bases, as everything appeared perfect.

Maybe a drink would help ease the nerves twisting inside of her. She walked over to the bar and went to reach for the bottle of wine Martin had chilling, but she pulled her hand back. Nope. She needed something a little stronger. Looking through the neatly arranged bottles on the shelf behind the bar, she smiled when her eyes landed on the bottle of Diva Premium Vodka hiding behind the Tequila.

One of their clients gave Jessie the bottle to her as a birthday present two years ago. Jessie had nearly choked when her dad told her that the bottle of Scottish vodka sells for an eye-popping one million dollars. It was explained to her that the unique filtration process runs through precious gems. But it isn’t just the liquid that sets the price. The stunning clear bottle is adorned with a gorgeous bracelet made of Swarovski Crystals and also features a hand-filled wand with green Swarovski crystals that can be removed and kept as a keepsake.

She grabbed the unopened bottle and set it on the bar top. When she received the bottle, she said she would save it for a special occasion. Well, this was somewhat of a special occasion, she thought to herself.

At one time, someone had told her about a few drinks to make with the vodka. But since she didn’t have those handy, she reached for a shot glass. There was nothing like shaking off the nerves with a shot of straight-up liquor.

She twisted the top off and filled the shot glass to the top. She stared at it for a moment. Then, in one quick motion, she brought the glass to her lips and downed the shot in one gulp. She closed her eyes and puckered her lips as the smooth liquid burned as it slid down her throat. She exhaled slowly as she set the glass down.

She strolled to the closest chair and sat down. She closed her eyes and let the alcohol work its way through her, spreadingwarmth through her veins and dulling the raw edges of her anxiety.

Before she knew it, she had lost herself in her thoughts about her last date with Mac. Everything about that day had been perfect, as they spent the entire day sailing around Manhattan, laughing, talking, and just enjoying each other’s company. The city had been alive with energy, but on the water, it had felt like they were in their own little world. When they returned late at night, neither of them wanted the day to end, so they stayed on the yacht, wrapped up in each other.

She could almost feel Mac’s presence beside her and hear his laughter as the memory washed over her. But now that seemed so long ago.

And now here she was, preparing for a blind date with a stranger because Lacie thought it was time she got back out there. But how could she when she still had feelings for Mac? This wasn’t fair to the other guy.

Jessie shook her head, trying to push the thoughts away. It was just one date, she reminded herself. It doesn’t mean anything. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that tonight wouldn’t go as planned.


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