Page 9 of Identity Risk

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Chapter Six

Jessie tapped her fingers against her desk as she stared at the computer screen. She was studying the numbers that flashed before her eyes. Something was off in the company’s financials, but she couldn’t trace where the money had gone or what it was meant for. She let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing her temples. The stress of the day had been building all afternoon, and on top of that, her blind date was tomorrow.

The thought of it sent another wave of anxiety through her. She still wasn’t sure why she’d agreed to the whole thing. Maybe it was because she didn’t want to disappoint Lacie, or perhaps it was just her curiosity about trying something different. Either way, she was freaking out.

Her phone buzzed on the desk, and she glanced at it to see a message from Lacie.

Lacie:Get ready because I’m kidnapping you for the day.

Jessie smiled faintly, but the tension still weighed heavy on her shoulders.

Moments later, the office door burst open, and Lacie walked in, her usual vibrant energy filling the room. She took one look at Jessie and immediately frowned.

“Oh no. You look like you’ve been through hell,” Lacie said, crossing her arms. “What happened?”

Jessie sighed, leaning back in her chair. “Just some weird line items in the financials. I can’t figure out what they’re for, and it’s stressing me out. And tomorrow is the blind date. I don’t know, Lacie. I’m a mess.”

Lacie gave her a sympathetic look. “Jess, you need to get out of here. Cancel the rest of your meetings for the day. I’m takingyou to the spa to get you pampered so you are nice and relaxed for tomorrow evening.”

Jessie blinked, caught off guard. “What? Lacie, I can’t just push my work to the side.”

“Yes, you can. And you will,” Lacie said firmly, already walking to Jessie’s computer to close her laptop. “You’re going to burn yourself out if you don’t take a break. Now, get up. We’re leaving.”

Jessie wanted to argue, but the truth was she did need a break. The thought of spending a few hours away from the chaos was more tempting than she cared to admit. Reluctantly, she stood up and grabbed her bag.

“Fine,” she said, her voice giving in.”

Lacie grinned. “You’ll thank me later.”

Jessie felt a bit lighter after spending what felt like an eternity at the spa, being pampered from head to toe. The tension in her muscles had eased, and she no longer felt like she was carrying the world’s weight on her shoulders. Lacie had been right; this was exactly what she needed—just a little time to herself.

As they walked back toward the office, Jessie glanced at Lacie, feeling grateful for her friend’s intervention. “Okay, I’ll admit it. I needed that.”

“I know you did,” Lacie said, linking her arm with Jessie’s. “But we’re not done yet.”

Jessie raised an eyebrow, unsure what Lacie meant. “What do you mean?”

With a mischievous grin, Lacie suddenly veered off course, dragging Jessie down the side street. Jessie barely had time to process what was happening before they stopped in front of a plain brick building. It wasn’t until Jessie read the small sign above the door that she realized it was an adult toy shop. Her eyebrows shot upward.

“Lacie, what—?”

Before she could finish her sentence, Lacie pushed her through the open door. “You, my dear, need to take a leap and go crazy for once. Maybe you’ll find something else to help you relax or something for tomorrow night.”

Jessie froze, her eyes widening in horror. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I’m not,” Lacie said, pulling her inside the shop. “Come on, live a little.”

Jessie’s face burned as she glanced around the store, her heart pounding. She pulled her sunglasses from her purse and slipped them on her face, hoping no one would recognize her. “Lacie, this is insane. What if someone sees me?”

Lacie burst into laughter, shaking her head. “Oh my God, you’re ridiculous. No one’s going to care that you’re in here. And even if they did, so what? You have needs, right? Or maybe you are shopping for someone else. Who gives a shit what others think.”

Jessie crossed her arms, feeling more mortified than ever. “This is not my thing. I’m not picking anything out.” If she had to shop for an intimate product, she would do it online in the comfort of her home, where nobody could see what she was buying.

“Fine,” Lacie said, grinning wickedly. “I’ll shop for you. BOB must be worn out, and I’m sure its replacement is soon needed.”

Jessie watched in a mix of disbelief and amusement as Lacie went up and down the aisles, casually tossing items into a shopping basket like she was out doing everyday grocery shopping.

At one point, Jessie peeked inside the basket and nearly choked when she saw fuzzy handcuffs, a small black vibrator, a blindfold, and other pleasure toys. “Are you serious? What is half of this stuff? I hope it is for you.”

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