Page 24 of A Trident Wedding

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As she lay in bed listening to the ocean waves gently lap the shoreline, she kept thinking about angels. It was strange, but ever since she had woken up in the hospital every night, she had been visited by an angel in her dreams. She never could see the face, but the presence in the dreams always seemed to comfort her.

She felt those strong muscled arms wrap around her, and she smiled as Ace’s lips pressed along her shoulder and his large hand covered her belly, which was starting to show.

She looked over her shoulder and gazed into those blue eyes, and she felt like she fell in love all over again.

“Hey, sweetheart.”

She smiled. “Hi.” She rolled over and laid her head on his shoulder.

“What’s on your mind? You’ve got that I’m thinking look.” He asked, rubbing the spot between her eyes.

“Do you believe in angels?”

Ace squinted his eyes then caressed her cheek.

“I do,” he answered as he stared deep into her eyes.

“You do?”

He nodded his head. “I’m looking at one right now.”

“Ace, I’m serious.”

“I am too. Many people I’ve met throughout my life may not wear halos or have white wings, but it’s their actions that convince me that angels truly do walk amongst us here on earth.”

“Why did you ask?”

She never told him about her dreams. “Ever since I was in the hospital, every night I’ve dreamt of an angel visiting me, but I never see his or face.”

Ace caressed her cheek. “Maybe it’s angels giving you your wings and halo because you have earned them.”

“Maybe.” She said and curled into his side.

“Would you be okay by yourself for a bit?”

She scrunched her nose up. “Where are you going?”

“I need to run over to the business center. Derek sent a text telling me that I needed to check my email. And you know that the internet connection isn’t strong here in the room.”

He wasn’t exaggerating. The connection sucked.

She frowned and sat up. “Do you think we have to leave?” She would be devastated if they had to leave the island.

“I don’t think so. But I’ll be back shortly because I promised you a romantic night on the beach.”

She smiled. “I’ve been looking forward to it since you mentioned it.”

Before he got out of bed, he handed her an envelope. “Don’t open this until after I leave.”

She gave him a curious look, wondering what he was up to. But she agreed. They had stayed in bed all day just talking and napping.

He dressed then kissed her and her belly before he left.

Once she knew he was gone, she sat up and leaned against the headboard. She slipped her finger under the envelope seal and pulled out a small piece of paper.

Written in his handwriting were the words,I brought an outfit for you to wear to our dinner tonight. It’s in the closet.

She grinned and got herself out of bed and walked to the closet. She was a little nervous because this was totally out of character for Ace. He never picked out her clothes.

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