Page 23 of A Trident Wedding

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The nurse looked at the doctor. “Dr. Ingram, there seems to be a mistake with Ms. Hardesty’s medication.”

The doctor took the paper and the pill bottle from the nurse and looked at them before handing them back to her.

“There’s no mistake. That’s my signature, and I prescribed those today.”

He turned toward Alex. “Did you know that you were pregnant?”

Alex felt as if someone had stuck her with a needle full of caffeine because she was wide awake now.

“I’m sorry. What did you just ask?”

“I asked if you knew that you were pregnant? We ran some blood work today, and your hCG levels came back high.”

Alex glanced at Ace, who was still staring at the doctor.

“Are you saying that Alex is pregnant?” Ace asked, and the doctor nodded.


Alex swallowed hard. Well, that was a surprise.

The doctor looked her over and told her that her wound was healing nicely and that as long as no infection set in, she could be released in two or three days.

Once he left, Alex looked at Ace. He was still staring at her belly. He hadn’t taken his eyes off of it since the doctor gave them the good news. At least she thought it was good news. Ace, on the other hand, started to worry her.

“Ace, are you okay?” She squeezed his hand.

“I’m more than fine,” he told her as he raised his head, and the tears in his eyes nearly killed her.


He leaned over the bed and hugged her, being careful to avoid the side that was injured. She felt the wet tears hit her neck.

“I love you,” she whispered to him.

He didn’t say it back, but his tears of joy told her that she needed to know.

When he pulled back, he kissed her again.

“You really didn’t know?” he asked her and shook her head.

“No. I swear.”

He smiled. “I’m so fucking happy right now.”

“Me too.”

He placed his hand over her belly. “I love both of you.”

Chapter ELEVEN

It had been a little over a month since the earthquake and Alex’s near-death experience. The beginning of her recovery hadn’t been all smooth sailings. The day before she was to be discharged from the hospital, she spiked a fever. After multiple blood tests, the doctors had determined that she had developed a serious bacterial infection. But with rigorous antibiotic treatments, she recovered, though not without worry. She and Ace had been afraid that all the trauma she had suffered and all of the medication she needed to recover, it could’ve impacted their baby’s health. When she brought up her concerns to her doctors, they all assured her that everything appeared fine with the baby.

After being permitted by her doctors to travel, she and Ace had snuck off to the Caribbean to enjoy a few days together in peace. It was the honeymoon destination that Ace had chosen to surprise her with, even though they still weren’t married.

Both Ace and she loved their family and friends dearly and knew they only had good intentions, but their front door had been a continuous revolving door of visitors since she returned home.

Everyone had been delighted when she and Ace announced they were expecting. Alex thought that Derek was more thrilled than anyone. Of course, having a baby brought the question of when were they going to get married. Their response was “when it happened.” Until then, they were enjoying the time of being together because they both knew that was all that mattered.

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