Page 21 of A Trident Wedding

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“What are you doing here?”

“Mac was with me when I got the call about Alex.”

“How bad was her injury, Tink?” Stitch asked, looking just as concerned.

Tink shook his head and appeared to bite the inside of his cheek. Ace felt like he wanted to throw up.

“I honestly don’t know how she’s still alive. All I can say is that it’s a fucking miracle. From what the girls told me, Alex threw herself over them to protect them when the ceiling started to collapse. She lost a lot of blood. I don’t even know if any organs were damaged. I’m not going to lie to you guys. I’m scared.”

Ace swallowed hard.

About another hour went by, the door to the room opened and a doctor wearing scrubs and a nurse entered. Ace could see how tired and drained the doctor appeared and the fact that he wasn’t showing any emotion all but told him that he was here to deliver the worst possible news.

“Are you all here for Alexandra Hardesty?” The doctor asked.

Derek stepped forward.

“I’m her dad.” Then he pointed to Ace. “And that’s her fiancé. The rest are family as well.”

The doctor took a deep breath, and Ace braced himself. Nothing could prepare him for the news he was about to receive.

“She’s alive.”

Ace’s head snapped up, and if he wasn’t mistaken, every man in that room started to weep.

“I’ll be honest with all of you. When she came into the ER, I never expected her to survive, but she fought. I’ve been practicing medicine in the ER for over twenty years, and I’ve never seen a miracle play out like I did today.” He looked at Derek. “Your daughter had some angels watching over her.”

“When will we be able to see her?” Ace asked as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Probably in about an hour or two. Once we get her settled, I’ll have one of the nurses come and get you.”

Ace stepped forward and shook his hand. “Thank you, doctor.”

“You hang on to her tight and marry her fast. She’s special.”

Ace grinned. “I plan to.”

As soon as the doctor left the room, all the guys huddled together and hugged each other.


A large hand gently caressed Alex’s forehead. She stirred a little, wondering why she didn’t have much mobility. Her body felt as if it was weighted down. All she could see was darkness. But in the distance, a familiar voice called her name.

“Alex, can you hear me? Come on, sweetheart, show me those beautiful green eyes of yours.”

It was a voice she would recognize anywhere. That deep, raspy timbre could only belong to one person.

“Ace?” she whispered.

His large hand cupped her cheek. His touch alone generated a warm sensation deep inside of her that began to spread throughout her body. As the coldness slowly left her body, the darkness impeding her vision began to brighten.

“I’m here, baby,” he told her.

She felt as if she was walking toward the light. But it wasn’t the light that people spoke about who say they’ve experienced the afterlife. It was a light to the future.

She stirred again when she felt Ace’s warm lips kiss her cheek and then her forehead.

“Come, baby. You’re almost there,” he cheered as she took those final steps through the light.

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