Page 48 of Scripts of Desire

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"Of course," Genevieve replied with a mock haughty sniff. "My first impressions of a person are never wrong. Although," she added, her voice dropping to a husky whisper, "I must say, you’ve done well to live up to my incredibly high standards."

They shared a laugh, the easy sound mingling with the ongoing celebrations around them. Eden leaned in, capturing Genevieve's lips in a tender kiss. "I love you so much," she murmured against her lips.

"I love you more," Genevieve whispered back, her arms tightening around Eden's waist.

As they broke apart, Eden suddenly felt the weight of the long, emotional day settling over her. "How about we start saying our goodbyes?" she suggested, a hint of mischief in her tone. "I think we've earned a private celebration, don't you?"

Genevieve's eyes darkened with desire. "I couldn't agree more."

They made their rounds, offering warm thanks and farewells to the cast and crew, while rousing everyone’s enthusiasm about repeating their success for many nights to come. Eden felt a surge of affection for this makeshift family they'd formed duringthe weeks of rehearsals. Each hug and kind word made her feel honoured to be part of it. To be their lead.

Finally, hand in hand, the two women slipped out of the theatre and into the cool night air. Eden shivered slightly and Genevieve immediately shrugged off her jacket, draping it over Eden's shoulders before flagging down a passing cab.

Eden snuggled into Genevieve's side as they climbed into the back seat. The cab pulled away from the curb and Eden gazed out at the twinkling lights of the city, her heart full to bursting.

She turned to find Genevieve watching her, a soft smile playing on her lips. No words were needed; the love and promise of their future together shone clearly in their eyes. While the taxi wound its way through the streets, Eden nestled closer to Genevieve, eager to share the night ahead and all the days to come.



Genevieve was gently roused from sleep by the soft padding of footsteps across the carpet and the rich aroma of coffee. She stirred, acutely aware of the cold, empty space beside her. For a week now, she'd been falling asleep and waking up alone, the absence of Eden's warmth a constant reminder of her partner's gruelling night-shoot schedule.

As consciousness slowly seeped in, Genevieve blinked away the last vestiges of sleep, her gaze drawn to the doorway where Eden was now standing, a steaming mug in hand.

Eden looked exhausted but undeniably happy, still clad in the clothes she'd worn to the set. Her golden hair was slightly dishevelled and Genevieve could make out faint smudges of makeup around her eyes - remnants of her character's carefully crafted appearance. Despite signs of a long night's work, Eden's smile was radiant as she crossed the threshold into their shared sanctuary.

"Good morning, my love." Eden's voice was soft, a soothing balm to Genevieve's ears.

Genevieve pushed herself up, the covers pooling around her waist as she reached for the proffered mug. "You're a saint," she murmured, inhaling deeply before taking a grateful sip. The rich, bitter liquid was a welcome jolt to her system, helping to clear away the lingering fog of sleep.

Eden's smile widened at Genevieve's obvious appreciation. Without a word, she moved to the bed, carefully lowering herself onto the covers. Genevieve felt the mattress dip under Eden's weight, a familiar and comforting sensation she'd sorely missed.

As soon as she was settled, Eden reached for Genevieve, pulling her close. Genevieve willingly melted into the embrace, savouring the feeling of Eden's body against hers once more. She set her coffee on the bedside table, freeing both hands to wrap around her partner.

Eden nuzzled into Genevieve's neck, her breath warm against the sensitive skin. "God, I'm so glad to be done with night shoots," she sighed, relief evident in her voice.

Genevieve hummed in agreement, running her fingers through Eden's tangled locks. She'd missed the quiet moments of intimacy and the simple act of holding each other close. The past week had been a stark reminder of how accustomed Genevieve had grown to Eden's presence, and how essential it had become to her own sense of peace. Genevieve was more than ready to be done with this sad routine of passing each other like ships in the night.

Just as she was about to express her joy at having Eden home, she felt a slight shift in her partner's demeanour. Eden's body tensed almost imperceptibly. When she spoke again, there was a note of melancholy in her tone.

"I can't believe filming's almost over. I still hate the gaps I have to fill with meetings and auditions until I find my next job," Eden admitted, her words muffled against Genevieve's skin.

Genevieve understood the bittersweet nature of Eden's emotions all too well. The end of a project always brought a mix of relief and sadness. A sense of accomplishment tinged with the knowledge that a unique experience was finishing.

During the three years since their whirlwind romance had begun, Genevieve had watched Eden's career flourish. From stage to screen, Eden had tackled each new role with the same passion and dedication that had first captured Genevieve's heart. This latest project - a sapphic regency drama that had already generated significant buzz in the industry - was poised to catapult Eden to a new level of recognition.

Genevieve knew how much the show meant to Eden. How she'd poured her heart and soul into bringing her character to life. It was more than just another job; it was a chance to tell stories that mattered. To represent a community that had for too long been relegated to the shadows of history.

As Eden nestled closer, seeking comfort in Genevieve's embrace, Genevieve felt a swell of pride and love. She marvelled at the journey they'd taken together and at the growth they'd both experienced - as individuals and as a couple. The woman in her arms was still the same Eden who had walked into that first audition and turned Genevieve's world upside down, but she had become so much more.

The sympathetic director couldn't help but scoff playfully at Eden's melancholy. She pulled back slightly, just enough to meet Eden's gaze. Those impossibly blue eyes, though tired, still held the same depth and passion that had first captivated her years ago.

"Darling," Genevieve murmured with a tender smile, "this show is going to be huge." She punctuated her words with another kiss, just below Eden's ear. "You'll be called back for another season before you know it."

Eden's body relaxed at Genevieve's reassurance, the tension melting away under her loving ministrations. Genevieve revelled in her ability to soothe Eden's worries, to be a source of strength and support for the woman who had brought such joy into her life.

Just as Genevieve was about to deepen their embrace, a loud meow cut through the intimate moment. Both women turned toward the sound, their gazes landing on the indignant figure at the foot of the bed.

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