Page 16 of A One Man Job

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“I know what’s going on with you,” the deputy says in a conspiratorial tone, followed by a sly wink.

Panic hits. “You do?”


“Enlighten me.”

“It’s woman trouble. That’s the only thing that can throw a man off his game like this. Is she somebody from Portsmith? Anyone I would know?”

All I can do is stare. I should probably shut this conversation down before it turns into a rumor, because the station loves to gossip, but I’d rather they think I’m dating a woman than hooking up with my stepdaughters. “Uh…no. You don’t know her.”

“Interesting.” He rubs his grizzled chin. “Well, I’ve had three wives. If you need some advice I’m your man.”

I doubt he’s qualified to give me advice on my problem. Who is? But it can’t hurt to hear what the man has to say. After all, I’m not making the best decisions on my own. “How do I let them…herdown easy? How do I let her know we can’t continue?”

“Ahh. I see. You want to break it off.”

Don’t want to.Have to. “Something like that.”

The deputy shrugs. “Just tell her you’re interested in someone else, sheriff. That ought to help her take the hint.”

My mouth turns down in disgust. “That’s terrible advice.”

“What’s the alternative? Be honest with her?”

I stare at his reflection in the mirror. “Yes.”

He shrugs. “Suit yourself. I’m heading into town to pick up my dinner.” On his way out of the bathroom, he stops short. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. One of the girls is here to see you.”

All of the oxygen in my lungs evaporates. “What?” I ask, winded, my balls already started to tingle and grow stiff. “Who is here?”

“One of your stepdaughters. Charlie, I think.” He chuckles. “Nice to have one of them here without having to bring them in wearing handcuffs.”

Charlie is here. My Charlie.


“Is something wrong?” My pulse starts to hammer at the thought of her being hurt or in trouble, my legs growing so lethargic, I have to grip the edge of the sink. “Is she okay?”

“Oh, sure. She seems right as rain, just chatting to some of the officers. You should see them blushing and stumbling over their words. She’s a beautiful girl, sheriff. Same with her sister.” With a low whistle, he opens the door to leave, pausing with one foot back on the station floor. “You’ve certainly got your hands full!”

I can only stand to wait a beat before I’m storming out of the bathroom. I’m seeing red at the thought of Charlie talking to other men, which is dangerous. So dangerous. She’s about to be in college, surround by horny young bucks in the primes of their lives. Her and Bella are going to be at frat parties. Boys are going to ask them out constantly. It’s ridiculous to feel like I’m going to explode over Charlie chatting with my officers, but I can’t help it. I want to knock heads together.

Especially when I see her.

She’s leaning against the wall of the reception area in a chocolate brown tube dress that barely hits the tops of her thighs. Those long, tan legs lead to a pair of white sandals. She looks sun-kissed and sandy, like she just came from a day at the lake. Except she’s not wearing a bathing suit beneath that dress. It’s easy to see she’s not wearing a bra or panties, either. Two of my officers are trying to carry on a conversation with her, but their eyes are damn near bugging out of their heads, for chrissakes.

“Charlie,” I bark, bringing her wide-eyed attention zipping over to me. “In my office. Now, please.”

With a toss of her hair, she walks past me like she’s strutting down a runway, leaving the scent of sunshine and tanning oil in her wake. “Anything you say, Joe.”

The two officers are watching her ass retreat like it might be their last vision on this earth, one of them making no attempt to hide the tented crotch of his uniform pants.

“Get back to work,” I say, my voice deadly quiet. “And don’t even think about it.”

They knock into each other on their way to jog in separate directions. That’s when I take a deep, centering breath and follow Charlie down the corridor where my office is the last stop on the left, thanks to me liking peace and quiet from the buzzing station.

I know I’m in huge trouble the second I walk into my office and close the door.

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